Oracle of Hallucinogens
I am referring to the second part which is slightly different from the description you posted.^^^
That is what I'd like to do some reading on. Enlighten me. Better yet point me to the source and I'll enlighten myself.
Show me by what authority Monsato Corp. has the power to seize property from the owner when stray pollen lands in a field.
Show me when this exact scenario has occurred. When the wind carried Monsato pollen to a random field and they seized the land on that basis alone.
Show me.
If I can find the case (as I saw it in a documentary) I will show you a copy.
TUPELO, Miss. - A federal appeals court in Washington has, according to
this story, ruled that a Pontotoc County soybean farmer violated a seed
patent held by biotechnology giant Monsanto Co. The court's recent 2-1
ruling ordered Homan McFarling to pay Monsanto $780,000 in damages for
patent infringement when he saved seeds after harvesting crops grown from
Monsanto's patented Roundup Ready soybean seed. The Missouri-based
company's patented cotton and soybean seeds have been genetically
engineered to resist its Roundup brand herbicide. When Round-Up is sprayed
on a field, it will kill the weeds without harming the crop."
"Since the mid-1990s, it has sued some 150 US farmers for patent infringement in connection with its genetically engineered seed."