Budley Doright
Well-Known Member
And how would I pay my property taxesWell if everyone just gave it away instead of trying to make money off it we wouldn't have this problem.

And how would I pay my property taxesWell if everyone just gave it away instead of trying to make money off it we wouldn't have this problem.
The government is not allowed to collect any money from mj. Money is federal, amd since the Feds don't recognise mj or mj related money, nor banks take mj relayed money, therefore it's a contradiction if the Feds collect a tax on mj revenue.
And how would I pay my property taxes.
Great, let all the wannabes grow their own. More top shelf business for myself. I encourage any and all failed home grows. It's not easy and cheap to grow a quality flowers.
it would be nice if you were right, but the states that are likely to legalize soon have already done it, and the hold outs are still hold outs. and many of the states that have "legalized" really haven't, they've made it available to a very few people who are willing to meet their ridiculous requirements to be part of the program.Facts are its a weed.....lol. it will grow by the millions and all the drug dealers will be left holding the bag...pun intended...
And who are you kidding......it's very easy to grow good pot....even great pot...genetics.
Snake oil salesmen is what I see in those dispensaries.
Better start planning on growing seeds......$2.49 a pack.
Got one lol. It was a rhetorical question. But not denying that for most of my years pot has provided me with a good lifestyle and it was a job, you think the stuff just magically turns into top shelf? Preying on people? Give me a break .... wow. So I'm preying on someone who can't be bothered growing their own, knowing they can get it from me? Actually I can stand in both sides of this debate but preying on people would not be one of my arguments. Preying on people is selling a life giving product like water to people that have none. Selling an ounce to a friend is not preying upon them, again wow. So you think that I should just give it away with nothing in return, while they just show up and leave? As far as medicinal use well really yes there should be any medicine available for those who need it but are you willing to buy it for them? I can happily say yes, 1/3 of my paycheque partially goes to just that. I love this all, it should be free but I don't see a whole bunch of people on here growing it to give away, yes a few thoughGet a job? it won't matter as it becomes legal more and more people will grow it just for fun and give it away to people they know. You will still have those people who are new or do not want to be bothered growing it to prey on.
Got one lol. It was a rhetorical question. But not denying that for most of my years pot has provided me with a good lifestyle and it was a job, you think the stuff just magically turns into top shelf? Preying on people? Give me a break .... wow. So I'm preying on someone who can't be bothered growing their own, knowing they can get it from me? Actually I can stand in both sides of this debate but preying on people would not be one of my arguments. Preying on people is selling a life giving product like water to people that have none. Selling an ounce to a friend is not preying upon them, again wow. So you think that I should just give it away with nothing in return, while they just show up and leave? As far as medicinal use well really yes there should be any medicine available for those who need it but are you willing to buy it for them? I can happily say yes, 1/3 of my paycheque partially goes to just that. I love this all, it should be free but I don't see a whole bunch of people on here growing it to give away, yes a few though. I'm actually hoping by next February I and others can grow a few monster plants without worrying we may go to jail. until that time I'll happily provide any excess for a fair price and feel quite proud doing it, and yup pay taxes lol.
That was the big thing years ago, Feds dropping hermie pollen from planes to fuck up crops lol. Now rippers and rats ..... make great chum after a year under waterBogus strains (there's one out there that looks killer in onset, finishes as total bs), intentional spreading of PM, paying caretakers to sabotage, "rippers", "rats", there is no shortage of chicken shit mofo's in this world.
it would be nice if you were right, but the states that are likely to legalize soon have already done it, and the hold outs are still hold outs. and many of the states that have "legalized" really haven't, they've made it available to a very few people who are willing to meet their ridiculous requirements to be part of the program.
until misinformed, unenlightened, uneducated people are taken out of power and replaced by people who have at least joined the 20th century, we're going to be stuck in the 19th century
and its taken me 2 years to learn how to turn out decent stuff, and i probably have another 2 before i'll be happy. its not that easy. you can grow a huge shrub of crap, that don't make it top bin
Kind of like alcohol (grain) now huh. I'm not in the states so no clue but up here I highly doubt that we will be able to grow our own like hoped before the election. I would love to see it but doubt they can keep their greedy big hands off the money trail.I see a big wave happening soon in the Untied States.
The only people who will be legally able to sell are growers connected to the system of the state and pay taxes.
It will be regulated and everything will be inspected and analyzed. ( this should be a requirement now. )
Same as beer or alcohol or cigs.
Michigan actually has it right imho separate the dispensaries, growers, inspectors, etc...make it legit.
Once all that happens selling on the street corner will essentially be over as people will trust more what has been sanctioned and inspected by the labs so they know exactly what they are getting.
btw this is the only way the fed will legalize it and they will still allow personal growing and consumption for your own use.
Kind of like alcohol (grain) now huh. I'm not in the states so no clue but up here I highly doubt that we will be able to grow our own like hoped before the election. I would love to see it but doubt they can keep their greedy big hands off the money trail.
LOLFuck legalization you bunch of sellouts!
Oh didn't know thatWell in the us you can make your own tobacco, alcohol, etc...many places as long as you do not sell it.
the only reason any states are legalizing is for the tax money, don't let them fool you into thinking they give a damn about sick people, they give a damn about money.
if you try to take the tax money out of the equation, the government will lose all interest in it and we'll be the ones getting fucked.
i try not to be a pessimist but i see little ripples in the pond, not anything like a surfable wave
don't you just love it when lawyers, judges and LEO start practicing medicine without a license. my medical conditions and what I use to treat them is between me and my doctor. it's none of the governments business.are you sure it's not LEO sabotaging your crops. they seem to hate the fact that MMJ is legal in many states.And the DEA says that their is NO medical value to MJ.
ALL the while, the Federally backed research at Ole Miss continues and 8 of the original patients the Fed gives MEDICAL MARIJUANA to for free.....Are still getting their meds! (The others have died)
LOMFAO! The DEA = a magician. "Don't look over here at what my other hand is doing. Just listen to my BS and look at my other hand waving around" "Their is no research that shows MJ to have a medical value." 8 patients still eh? No medical value my ass!
don't you just love it when lawyers, judges and LEO start practicing medicine without a license. my medical conditions and what I use to treat them is between me and my doctor. it's none of the governments business.are you sure it's not LEO sabotaging your crops. they seem to hate the fact that MMJ is legal in many states.