Crop King Seeds Can Eat A Bag Of Dicks...

The title of the thread was just calling out laughs on deck. The problem is I was also hoping for some details on what went so wrong that he thinks the company should eat a bag of dicks. I wouldn't wish that on anyone... I just don't see how anyone can get pleasure out of eating a bag of dicks...

Let us know why this person deserves this treatment! I wanna know what justifies sending someone a bag of dicks so that I can put it into practice. I wonder how someone would feel getting a back of dicks from a "mr bill cosby" or a "swift taylor" lololololol.

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Title of the post drew my instant attention, so you can imagine my disappointment when the o/p didn't follow it up, despite a little 'chiding'.
I suppose since he's not gonna play ball, I can continue by stating I've never heard of these dudes before.
Anyone grown their stuff before & are willing to share..? :leaf:
I've certainly seen crop king seeds in my local hydroponic stores. They started a good marketing system instead of only selling online like everyone else. They were able to get their product at all the hydro stores, which I can't see being a bad idea. Good for them for doing that as it's another marketing strategy to get seeds out there. Cool artwork on the package. I would love to know if they were shit or if they were decent though as I haven't tried them.

Definitively shit!!