Crocket Family farms genetics

Ya I would half to agree. It's all I smoke during the day right now. Did you run through a pack?

unfortunately not haha; i was slackin on tangie/clementine and the orange terps in general for a bit. still tryna scope around but i'd prob be hard pressed to find one at this point. had my eyes on those mimosa as well from jungleboyz/symbiotic; but prob not guna find a pack of those either lol. super curious about the terps on that one; bet the clementine still dominates the purple punch .

hopefully my creamsicle from unknown prophet blesses me with a super orangy lady!
Gu @Greenpoint has crossed a solid Clementine to a 2011 Stardawg to create Orange Blossom Special.
Orange Blossom Special (OBS)
TANGIE – 25%
CHEM 4 – 25%
CHEM D – 22%
AFFY – 03%
Are you looking for ORANGE flavored cannabis? The Clementine has been popularized in California with multiple Cannabis Cup winning flower entries and even more awards from the high quality concentrates it produces. “Great” hash often means a higher terpene content – MORE FLAVOR! The Clementine in Orange Blossom Special makes winning easy with the production of huge resin glands. These trichomes are dripping with terps of the saliva-squeezing zestyness of an orange peel.
Expect the potency to hit you like an oncoming train! Fast growth at full steam ahead. Time is running out to get your ticket for the Orange Blossom Special.
I am going to cross to a DVG Citrus Farmer along with a few other good candidates.
have some crocketts gear that is coming to fruition, pics taken @ wk 6.
looks like at least a couple of the clementine phenos are fast finishers. some big ranges of phenos from the sour banana sherberts, the strawberry fields smells like straight strawberry candy, and golden strawberries for the kosher dom fruity dank flav. can see a lot of tangie represented through the clems and sfields, some even coming through on the goldenstrawberries.


strawberry fields IMG_E3696.JPG

two sour banana sherbert phenos at opposite ends of the spectrumIMG_E3704.JPG IMG_E3722.JPG

this clem looks like the fabled 50 day clem pheno. IMG_3729.jpg

my crockett gear room is prob my fav to work in atm, that tangie comes through almost everything she touches. oh an there is still 1-2 wks to go.
First run with Crockett gear, 40 days since flip.

This is tangielope, I popped 4 got 3 females this is the frostiest of the three. The smell is like a chemically orange smell, really nice and unique, can’t wait for this one to finish. This was my first run trying the living soil route so there was definitely user error, but regardless the quality looks very nice with a smaller yield(my fault).
Looking like it will run to 60 days or so.