Critique my setup plan

Ok, just recently decided that I wanted to start growing and I've been doing a lot of research, much of it on here. However, there are so many differing opinions about so many things that I'm not sure anything but asking for critiques of my specific plan will give me what I need. So far I have spent about $120 so I'm going to be using the things I have now one way or another. Here is the plan:
A small scale (2-3 plant) DWC closet setup in a 30 gallon tote. I'm not sure entirely what to use for a medium, plan on rock wool cubes for at least germination. I've bought a drain fixture that I am going to install (after I drill a hole of course) so that I can take regular water samples and drain most of the tote when it's time to change the water. I'm building a wood stand to keep it a few feet off the floor for this purpose. At the pet shop I bought a 40-gallon air pump and an 18-inch air bar as well as the aquarium tubing to connect them. For lighting I got two 4' 2-lamp t8 fixtures as well as three kinds of bulbs (GE "sunshine," "daylight," and some office/cool light), a junction and extension cord to plug them both into, and a simple timer. I have yet to purchase the hooks and chains to suspend the lights or any kind of reflective wrap. And of course I have not yet bought the seeds. But for the scale of what I am working with, how does this all sound? I'm most worried about the lighting. I'm willing to add a couple high-intensity discharges if I have to, which of course will mean more temperature problems, but if the t8s will suffice I would prefer just them.


Active Member
Welcome and good luck.
Sounds like you are off on the right foot to be starting this adventure. Don't forget about air circulation. It is easier to plan ahead then to try fixing in the middle of a grow.