Critique My Nutrient Line Up

im a relatively new grower...ive been using some very basic things that havent given me much yield so im trying kind of a frankenstein of different brands all of which are gona be used during flowering ..let me know what you guys think:

general hydroponics:
flora micro
flora bloom
flora grow

advanced nutrients:
sensi-cal mg bloom
voodoo juice
bud candy (thinking of switching this with floranectar or sweet since it doesnt have many good reviews online but a few of my buddies swear by it)

liquid karma

anything i should subsitute? change? add?

id have some very dissapointing yields and im trying to enhance my yield and quality....

ps: growing sharks breath with rockwool and a drip system
i like to use bonticare's oranic product line ORGANICARE- i use Seaplex, Huvega and Humega..ever since i started using those products on top of everything else i use i see a good improvement..seeing what your already using tho i would suggest you just get the seaplex & humega..not the huvega since ur already using mg bloom..that is a magnesium booster right?? and besides adding something like that i'd advice you to get a Ripener product, that alone could help your yield pretty nicely.
yea sensical is an mg boost...i have some koolbloom for a ripener too which i was on the fence about using...didnt want to use TOO many nutes...but in order to get fat i guess you gotta eat righT? lol

any specific weeks seaplex and humega work best?
i just go by the instructions pretty much..i add 1/2 tbsp-a full tbsp once a week..i like to add it with just water once a week, i dont add it with my other products but i have before.
the seaplex will make it so your leafs can take in more sun making them get bigger then usual and that could give u a slightly better yield..the humega will keep your soil clean from any bacteria's and it probably does a few other things as well
Seems like you use a whole lot of bottles.
Poor yields might not be totally due to nutrients.

CO2, temp, lighting, over or underwatering (for soil), and most importantly, genetics, are also things that might be affecting your yields.
Just something to consider.
Drop the voodoo juice and use aquashield+ZHO from botanicare, or any other microbe product besides AN. AN microbe products are known to cause issues, not to mention extremely over priced.

Yield is limited by your lowest 'limiting factor'. Be sure all environmental factors are in check. (humidity, temp, light, air flow, ect) Then, look into foliar feeding for a little boost.
from what i understand if you live in an extremely humid area (which i do) c02 is not really necessary...ive used it in the past and didnt see much of a difference besides the money i was spending on filling "bloom room" is usually around 77-83 degrees at the most with the lights on with the median usually being around 79-80...and probably about 70 when the lights are off...i would like to get the temp down when the lights are on but its not really possible....for lighting i use 1000 watt hps...i was thinking that light penetration could be a problem but a buddy of mine crams his ladies in there using about the same nutes as im about to use and has decent yields...
C02 will do very little unless you have everything else in check first. It is never a necessity, but an enhancement. If your other factors are not already optimized, then there is nothing to be enhanced. Plants can use as much as 5x the amount of c02 that is typically found in air, so if you did not see an improvement then that tells me you have some of the basic stuff wrong.

The area you live in should not determine the humidity in your bud room. I understand we do not live in an ideal world, but incorrect humidity levels could very well be part of your problem. Does your friend control for humidity?

80f is fine with good air flow, even 83 isn't too bad especially with some c02 enhancement.
he used co2 with an atmosphere controller but pretty much abandoned the whole thing also...correct me if im wrong but air conditioning is basically just outside air with coolant added to it so wouldnt it still have around the same humidity levels? for example today is 60% humidity ...from what ive read plants thrive in about 40-80% so it seems ideal
Most of the air conditioners I've seen just recycle air from the room, and in the process of cooling it also remove some humidity. (that's why they drip or drain) Best to have a hygrometer in your grow room to know for sure. Veg plants like it more humid toward 80%, budding plants like it more towards 40%.

I did not mean to get you too worried about humidity. I did not measure or control for humidity for a long time and still had great yields. What I was trying to do was to get you to look at your limiting factors to make sure they are optimized, humidity just being one example.