Critical sensi star by delecious seeds

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
How did she compare to other plants you have grown as far as odor goes? Was she a stronger smelling plant, middle of road, or low odor?


How did she compare to other plants you have grown as far as odor goes? Was she a stronger smelling plant, middle of road, or low odor?

I would say middle of the road as far as smell goes, not over powering by any means. These plants were nice and big and smell of citrus . The one bush pictured netted 156 grams dry. I have not smoked it yet, probably will in a day or so. Out of the the 5 seeds they all resembled each other pretty closely. The one bush pictured was the heaviest of the 5. This was my first super soil run too and I loved it! I did not add a tea or liquid nutes one time from start till finish! I will take that all day long my friends. Cheers!


New Member
My concern was a little purple starting on the stems, but I see yours has some too. None of my other strains have any purple and they are all in the same medium. I'm using Fox Farm soil in 5 & 10 gal pots. Have had good luck with that and RO water as well. What super soil did you use?