Critical Automatic Advice W/ pics


New Member
shit mate thats bad but atleast your still here to tell the tale,you not gonna ride again?, i lost half my foot on my gsxr 750 6months ago havnt ridden since but really want to....if i was you i would move to another from the uk. be good to see the pics of your bubblegum if you can find them:) if you need help with aspects you cant find info on just give me a pm im no guru but i know quite abit about organic/soil growing :) take it easy


Active Member
Hey gboss, what all types of autos have u tried, Im needing to order some more to keep me busy this winter, I really want some of the blueberrys but everyone has them off the market still, I really like the look of some of the blues but have had bad luck starting out & this critical is looking pretty good so far so Im going to get me some of them. Im wanting to get advice from someone thats tried some & u said to hit u up so here I am..Thanks

Doc Tor

Hey gboss, what all types of autos have u tried, Im needing to order some more to keep me busy this winter, I really want some of the blueberrys but everyone has them off the market still, I really like the look of some of the blues but have had bad luck starting out & this critical is looking pretty good so far so Im going to get me some of them. Im wanting to get advice from someone thats tried some & u said to hit u up so here I am..Thanks

Thus far I have grown multiple strains of autos over the last few years...

Flower Power
La Diva
Paki Ryder
Afgan Ryder
Northern Lights
White Dwarf
NYC Diesel

Currently growing Auto Critical, a Flower Power/Paki Ryder cross, Green-o-Matic, and gonna start some blueberry/diesel and purple kush next week sometime


Active Member
In your opinion whats a good producer with good taste, & little to no stink ??? Im really wanting to grow some blues & the blueberrys, I know Northern lights is good in the photos but dont know in the autos & also how bad the smell is. My son tells me he can smell my 1 plant when hes at my front door, but I cant smell anything maybe its all the insence I burn all the time. I would really like to have 4 or 5 going so I might be able to have 1 ready every week or two, but space is an issue on top of living next door to my landlord who knows what time it is so I cant get too crazy, & I dont want to get into the filter thing. I had 2 bubblegums, & a Blue himalyan going over the summer & there was no smell at all..

Doc Tor

In my experience they all smell lol.. However, I noticed less smell with the bubblicious than anything else.. Anything blueberry will smells sorta fruity, but make no mistake, they all smell like funk. Carbon filter with a place to vent is your best honestly..

If you always have one ready every week or two, they will always be flowering. Which equals always be smelling.

I assume you are growing in your closet in your bedroom? Look into getting this thing called a sensy... It doesn't eliminate smells but the fragrance is pretty strong.. Just crack your window every night and let it vent out...


Active Member
I dont really smell anything, but I have heard the cheese & diesel smell real bad, & ya skunk does as well. Ur right on the bubblegum its not bad at all, Im going to take a chance & plant this white widow I have left & hope it doesnt smell too bad or get too big..

Doc Tor

White widow is gonna reek. Diesel and cheese both smell hard. Good luck tho! I'm debating starting up some purple kush or blueberry kush....

Just got another 400w hps which makes 3. Also caved and bought a tent... Looking forward to my new journey. Unfortunately I won't post pics.. My wife is a lawyer and said posting is one thing.. But pictures are proof.


Active Member
As long as theres nothing in the pic to tie u to it ur ok, hell u just saw the pic & thought it would b cool to post so others would enjoy it as u did. Theres a hundred ways to create reasonable doubt !!! Trust me I know & also know where ur comming from, u must live in a communist state like me. Its a good thing u told me about the stink of the widow cause I was about to germ it today, but then & there again, nothing ventured, nothing gained, I better order more insence...Good luck on the blueberry & purple, I know the purple will b great, I dont know about the blueberry but Im ordering some pretty soon...

Doc Tor

Blueberry, to me, is more of a smoke for the taste not the stone type... I do love it tho.. I don't drink so I smoke, and love to taste and experience different strains like a beer lover might do with brew..

I live in a medical state, but am not legal, but my mother in law is.

I actually got the purple seeds from a bud I got in a sample from a friend.. 12 beans! Gotta finish my current garden and then I think I'm gonna start all 12 of those.. Pretty excited lol