critical auto burnt


Active Member
I burned my critical auto flushed her and srems to be doing a lil better she is 11 days old using 400 w metal halid . Was using 400 w hps but heard its better for flowering any suggestions

CAM00074.jpg before flush


Active Member
I dont mean to be a dick but nothing in your garden is looking healthy.. I think you should review a few things and find out exactly where you are going wrong and how to fix it. What is your medium/mix? To me it looks like you are using a soil mix and not soil less, if I am correct then there is ABSOLUTELY no reason you need to be feeding ANY seedling that small.


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity what soil are you using? lol start over, her lifes predetermined and you just took a solid 20% out of her life to recover from this and thats just if you make 0 more mistakes AND she decides to live


Well-Known Member
funny thing is its a weed.. the damn thing is resilient and will pretty much grow anywhere if you just leave it be. straight tap water from seed till about 2-3 weeks. tansfer in to mh for about 4-6 weeks i keep my light 14 inches away so not to stretch my plants i like them bushy at first. i then raised ppm to 500-800 during veg adding a bit of calcium. my ph is all over between 6.5-8 i tried lowering but i just simply add a few capfuls of ph down boom good.. i also use one part veg n bloom dirty for food. best yet easy to use.

Sorry for the going on simply use tap water keep her warm 78-82 degrees bit of wind good light don't worry about food or anything yet


Active Member
... bad advice everywhere these days...
yeah, it's a weed and it will grow. why waste your time growing ditch weed when you can buy it for basically nothing anyways? at least there is no risk of cultivation charges.
not to mention, it is an auto and that thing is so far behind it will end up yielding a couple bong hits.. in which you will need to smoke all of it to get a buzz anyways.
also, that bit of hydro advice was useless for the op, and no need to keep temps so high anyways.
do not just put tap water in a glass and water your girls.. not very likely your water comes out where it needs to be. get some garden lime if that is a soil mix youre using and start reading asap so you do not torture your plants


Active Member
Im using a natural organic cow manure soil from home depot.. on 18/6 metal halide 400w got plenty seeds... so im assuming new medium is a must i can take constructive criticism so i just need to no what i need to be great!!!


Well-Known Member
I suck with autos y advice is useless. with a photo i would use HAppy frog at first and the roots organic, but autos dont like transplantation or hot soil so i dont see why fox farm happy frog wouldnt be fine. It is made for sprouts


Active Member
manure is high on salt. that's why we use mature High Quality compost. Start thinking worm shit and leaf mold.


Active Member
definitely want to add some lime to your mix and absolutely no need to feed as that is already pumped full of everything she needs for a while. You will need some additives throughout your grow as its organic. also, your soil looks very over watered in each pic so you want to ease up. a lot.