crispy dry buds =(


New Member
ok so i mest up by leting my babys mom dry a couple of my oz and when she brought it back to me it was crispy dry and i wanted to know how can i make it fresh again and what do i store it in to stay fresh?


Active Member
put them in a mason jar...they will retain everything they got...after that i dont know.


Well-Known Member
Put them in a jar. Add a piece of orange peel or lettuce. 24-48hrs they should soften back up.


Well-Known Member
I just mist mine with water, seal them up in a jar, let them sit for a day or so, and....voila, good as new! If they too dry, add more water, if too wet, just let them dry out again. Simple as that. :wink:

Those other methods will work too, but personally, I feel that plain water is safest, as it won't risk bringing in any bacteria, or anything that adds to the risk of mold/fungus.


Active Member
I just mist mine with water, seal them up in a jar, let them sit for a day or so, and....voila, good as new! If they too dry, add more water, if too wet, just let them dry out again. Simple as that. :wink:

Those other methods will work too, but personally, I feel that plain water is safest, as it won't risk bringing in any bacteria, or anything that adds to the risk of mold/fungus.
This is what I've always done when I've gotten a bag that was overly dry. Smokes slower which makes the bag last longer, which is always good. lol


hah id hate going to prison, if it just like a schoolyard thing id be fucked hah but then again aus jail might be okay :), sorry to hear about your buds but the jar thing with something like lettuce does actually sound like a decent idea i might try that in the future if it happens to me, or even the water mist Goodluck i hope it works out for you ^_^


Well-Known Member
I hope yall didn't get caught growing. That would make me insecure. Sheeeeiiiiitt

Nah, I used to drink like a fish, years ago, and did lot's of stupid shit that got me in plenty of trouble. Learned my lesson, the hard way(6 times). :razz:

I don't really drink anymore, thankfully, maybe 2-3 times a year. I'm perfectly happy to be back to smoking, and have been that way for 7 years. :peace:


Active Member
orange peal works the best in my opion and gives it a nice little citrus flavor. not much just a him. oh it smells so good like that


Well-Known Member
Ah in America you can be 16 and smoke tobacco (purchased with tax paying 'indigent inmate fund' money) in a correctional facility that is owned by a privateer company from abroad while making window- blinds for 1.13 a day for another company contracting cheap labor.


Well-Known Member
I'd choose the orange peel, over lettuce, myself, 'cause the lettuce gets all squishy and gross, before I've used carrots too, which last a long time, and don't really add any flavor/smell to your smoke.


Well-Known Member
I've had it happened a few times. all you do is wet a paper towel and squeeze it out put in a sandwich baggy I leave the baggy open and then place it in jar with the bud the plastic won't let the paper towel touch the bud but will moisten them overnight and won't change the smell or taste.