crispy brown leaf tips, yellow middle and rest of leaf light green and yellowing?


you cant really tell by description. you would have to give a little bit more info and a pic. you need to say how much nutes your giving, how much your not, etc


Well-Known Member
it could be numerous things, you have to give us details like size, container size, veg or flower, what nutes using if any, inside or outside?feeding and watering schedule, ph, temperature, any problems other than this so far? got a fan on it? etc etc etc


Hey I got a question for you people, why are my leaves curling inward? Everything is green, tips and all. New growth is nice, but leafs are curling inward.
what type of lights are you using, how close are they, and how much nutes are you using?


nut def? how's that? they we're doing this at 1300 ppm. So I changed brands and like i said only the old growth is doing this. Some of these leafs are crisp looking. This is not my first time growing, but I've yet too see a problem like this before.