Criminal penalties for selling in skool


Active Member
you're wrong. possession and possesion with intent to sell can be grouped into the same indictment. that way if he's found not guilty of intent to sell, the lesser charge of possession will be deliberated on.

and he was caught with weed in school. there's no slap on the wrist.

it all depends on how much bank and pull his folks have. if it's not much, he's fucked.

he was in conneticut?? that state carries a MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCE of 7 years. that's right 7 YEARS.

here's the details for Connecticut according to NORML.

[FONT=&quot]Possession of up to four ounces of marijuana is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000 for the first offense. A subsequent offense is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $3,000. Possession of four ounces or more of marijuana is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $2,000 for a first offense. Subsequent offenses are punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000. Possession of any amount within 1500 feet of a school adds a two-year minimum mandatory sentence to run consecutively with any other sentence imposed.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Cultivation, delivery or sale of marijuana is punishable by up to seven years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000. Sale to a minor adds a two-year mandatory minimum sentence to run consecutively with any other sentence. Sale within 1500 feet of a school, public housing project or day care center adds a three-year mandatory minimum sentence to run consecutively with any other sentence.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Possession of paraphernalia is punishable by up to three months in jail and a fine of up to $500. If the possession of paraphernalia occurs within 1500 feet of a school, an additional one year mandatory minimum sentence is imposed to run consecutively with any other sentence.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Conviction of any violation involving marijuana allows the court to recommend to the licensing boards within the state that the offender's license to practice or carry on his profession be suspended or revoked.[/FONT]

good luck.
Definitely better information, Im from the west coast. We are more lenient. I hope him the best luck. But you have been the most accurate thanks.

+ rep
He got another charge added today. It turns out that after he got arrested and was in the cop car, he txted the kid who got him busted and basically made a death threat. The kids mom reported this and he got a threatning charge but he has to go to court twice now.


Well-Known Member
even in the uk your boy is screwed! going to prison! no playstations or mobile phones in USA prisons too lololol


Well-Known Member
2 words: He's fucked. Tell him to enjoy gaurding his asshole for at least 5 years. AT LEAST. At most, 10. It depends on if he can get some of the charges dropped or reduced. lol good luck to that guy.
yeah he might get out in 10 or 20 years they will probably send him somplace where their are some crazy criminals and they will take his ass and then they use the footage from secuirty cameras to make a film about it to scare kids so they dont try to do happens all the time. they might even make him talk to people about the dangers of drugs so he can get out of prison in 5 or 8 years if he doesnt get into to many fights....
Already talked to a lawyer and they said definite probation along with sum counceling reccomendations. At the most he will get a couple months in the new haven juvenile correction facility but probly not. Didn't I already say he was fucking 15, even if he gets locked up, it won't be with big scary criminals with date rape face. So all u dipshits saying he's fucked can go eat a big fat dick. It's not even gonna be on his criminal record as an adult, seeing as all juvenile records in the U.S. get sealed after the person turns 16. Wats funny is how sum of u totally agree with other retards on here like the British wanker who sounds like he consumes weed by shoving it thru his blokehole. Chill mate! And the people saying he's gonna get 10-20 years!?!? I think u need to go register on a forum for crack cuz "I got a feelin" that ur smoking more than weed. On the contrary I would lke to think the expirienced and serious people. If u wanna b funny then go on toke n talk, but this is legal edge, for people who aren't in a funny situation.


Well-Known Member
Already talked to a lawyer and they said definite probation along with sum counceling reccomendations. At the most he will get a couple months in the new haven juvenile correction facility but probly not. Didn't I already say he was fucking 15, even if he gets locked up, it won't be with big scary criminals with date rape face. So all u dipshits saying he's fucked can go eat a big fat dick. It's not even gonna be on his criminal record as an adult, seeing as all juvenile records in the U.S. get sealed after the person turns 16. Wats funny is how sum of u totally agree with other retards on here like the British wanker who sounds like he consumes weed by shoving it thru his blokehole. Chill mate! And the people saying he's gonna get 10-20 years!?!? I think u need to go register on a forum for crack cuz "I got a feelin" that ur smoking more than weed. On the contrary I would lke to think the expirienced and serious people. If u wanna b funny then go on toke n talk, but this is legal edge, for people who aren't in a funny situation.
IM sorry big BRO you had me laughing with responce post was sarcastic yeah some people are morons...tell your 15 yr old to stay out of trouble he"ll be 18 soon and things stack up and hurt you when your looking for work....he could get probation or even continued without finding...good luck
pound in the ass federal prison for at least 5 years ur daddy used to pound u in the ass since u wer 5 years old and now he's in federal prison? Did I get that right? And don't worry bout it beardo I could tell u wer exagerating, I was talking bout sum1 on page 1 who said that first. He wasn't so sarcastic.
Just got sentenced today, he was gonna get 2 weeks in jail but thanx to our Jewish lawyer he got a suspended sentence. Which is like probation before probation. The suspended sentence is going to last the 2 weeks he was supposed to be in jail. So he just got away with basically 1 year probation. He got the possesion of marijuana within 1500ft of a skool dropped. All in all, not bad, considering a $2000 fee charged by the lawyer. Wat would u guys do? Take 2 weeks in jail or stay outta jail and pay $2000? I'd definatley take the jail.


Active Member
Just got sentenced today, he was gonna get 2 weeks in jail but thanx to our Jewish lawyer he got a suspended sentence. Which is like probation before probation. The suspended sentence is going to last the 2 weeks he was supposed to be in jail. So he just got away with basically 1 year probation. He got the possesion of marijuana within 1500ft of a skool dropped. All in all, not bad, considering a $2000 fee charged by the lawyer. Wat would u guys do? Take 2 weeks in jail or stay outta jail and pay $2000? I'd definatley take the jail.

Thats good news for the little buddy! I knew he would get such a penality.. taking a 2 week in juvenile hall is a "Really Bad" idea versus the $2000 fee.. why? Different records will be kept and that in itself will complicate his options next time if he get into, the next step is he watch over him and give him some good influences until his probation is over.. messing up now, will only make his teen years worse... good luck:joint::joint::joint:


Active Member
Skool is spelled with a "C", and a suspended sentence is not the same thing "probation before probation", assuming you mean probation before judgment. Suspended sentence means just want it says, it's a conviction with the sentence being suspended pending a successful probationary period. Probation before judgment means, oddly enough, just what is says: Probation before judgment(conviction). And as far as 2 weeks in jail or $2k fine, unless you are already a convicted felon who has served time before, it is 99% of the time better to pay the fine.

P.S. No, you did not get that right about what I said earlier, although I seem to have stirred up some latent memories on your part...


Active Member
lol I like how the minor that comes on here and acts like "his friend" is the one in trouble, and we let him know how fucking SERIOUS his charges are (because they are) and you treat it as a joke. Sure, I cracked about your asshole being reamed, but at the same time, I originally posted (before the guy came through with the NORML website, which is what I looked up as well) that 7 years is normal for CN to sent people up the river.

You're the guy that's all qq'ing about OH MUH BUDI WIL NEVAR GET A JOB N HAV 2 SEL CRAK K0CAIN 2 LIV!!!!

You're a joke. Maybe it is YOU that should lay off the weed. Didn't you know that drugs destroy lives, kid? Why not do what mommy and daddy tell you and not smoke drugs until you're out of school so that you get the proper education that you need THEN you can smoke weed and work a job like every-fucking-body else on this forum? What a joke.
:finger:Hhaaa seems like I hit a nerve. It seems sum people have a stick up their ass. I do have a job and I am outta skool. I kno it's spelled school but I'm writing this from my iPhone and I'm using txting language. It's kinda weird that i'm getting scolded over my grammer and spelling by sum1 who talks like a redneck. And I'm not in any truble at all, it's just a shame how a good kids life can be ruined and that it's not very affective to throw a student out on the street with no education. I only expressed that much concern because he gives me free weed. It's not a matter of having money and a job, anything that ur getting for free is better than if u have to pay for it. U think cuz u pay for ur weed, ur a big baller or sumthing dont ya? Yea big ball(suck)er.:wall:
And thanx for the spelling lesson, u really schooled me on that 1, but then autistic inbred Idaho potato farmer coulda taught me that. Say..u should be a teacher cuz u seem so qualified, instead of giving legal advise. "You're the guy that's all qq'ing about OH MUH BUDI WIL NEVAR GET A JOB N HAV 2 SEL CRAK K0CAIN 2 LIV!!!!" listen, I know this doctor and he specializes in cases with dyslexia. And u talk to me like ur the pope u dope, u talk like ur a big responsible adult, but let's not kid ourselves here, ur a member of a weed forum and that alone tells me ur not sum role model. They just don't go together faggot! I smoke cuz I wanna get HIGH, and it's not related at all to my job or being independant.