Crickets and Cicada Seeds

Looks like theyre all sold out at Labyrinth, except 2 packs of the Skunk x Puck. For me I wanted this cross about as much as the Puck BC3.

Best stuff Ive seen since the early 70s used a HP/Skunk cross as the male. It used a Haze x NL5 as the Female. This was in 91. Still havent seen anything that is its equal. Dominion Seed Company used this cross as a male in many of his crosses.
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Looks like SHN are getting a restock, and Labyrinth put a few more packs up for sale.

SHN upped the price on them a bit compared to the first drop. About $23 more per pack, and youre limited to 1 pack each.

I hope C&C keeps on working with the Puck, and crosses. Id like to see an 80s NL5 x Haze x Puck BC2-Puck BC3 x Skunk 1.

Would also like to see a 90s AK47 X Puck BC2-BC3. 90s AK 47 was the shit.
Just scored a pack of the Puck Bx3. So excited!! Might do an open pollination for preservation purposes. Will this give me too much variation??