Crickets and Cicada Seeds

Wow I tried like crazy to get those seeds the day they dropped. But no success They look amazing ! Keep posting updates

i got lucky and happened to fall asleep watching the Adam Dunn show.... just happened to wake up and they were doing a surprise drop of C and C on SHN.... pretty excited to get them started

keep up posted ph3no
Unfortunately, Garlic Dog #2 hermied so I had to cut them down today. I thought I could keep it at bay with just cutting out the males sac's, but it was a losing battle. During initial sexing I had put #2 in the male section, and then obviously thought I saw what were females bracts a month later so I planted it into the ground as I had extra room. She was flowering really well, but then I noticed bananas everywhere about a week ago. Anyways, plant never seemed stressed. I have two other Garlic Dog females that seem stable. I'll keep everyone posted.

P.s. - I'm not trying to "dog" on crickets and cicadas just talking to everyone about my experience. Everything else that I am running from them seems to be stable.

Garlic Dog - From the hoop house. This plant had a little more extended foxtails then the plant outside. Same chemmy stank smell as the other!!! Seems like a great variety for hoop houses as there was no PM or mold at all on these plants. Just need the head room in your hoop as she stretches a lot, but seemingly worth it. I'll fill you all in with a smoke report when she is ready.