Credit Card Orders


Active Member
If I'm ordering seeds from say Planet Skunk or the Attitude (those are the two that I'm looking at right now), do I use a fake name? And if so, do I use it in my credit card information? I just dont know enough about this. My name wont go in a government database will it? Haha I guess my friends just have me paranoid.


Well-Known Member
I have grown for 18 years and always bought seeds online using my credit card, never been busted. Keep your mouth shut pay your bills and dont worry about rumours!!


Well-Known Member
1. Use The Attitude.
2. Credit cards are fine as long as you pay the bills it won't matter.
3. Unless your seeds get taken from customs (Also nobody who has ordered from The Attitude have had the seeds taken away) they won't put you in a database but if you are buying Cocaine,Heroin,Meth then they will put your name in a Database.
4. Just don't worry because millions of people have done this and nobody gets busted for buying 10 seeds.


Well-Known Member
1. Use The Attitude.
2. Credit cards are fine as long as you pay the bills it won't matter.
3. Unless your seeds get taken from customs (Also nobody who has ordered from The Attitude have had the seeds taken away) they won't put you in a database but if you are buying Cocaine,Heroin,Meth then they will put your name in a Database.
4. Just don't worry because millions of people have done this and nobody gets busted for buying 10 seeds.

UH-OH, On #4, I bought 495 seeds, does that change things ?


Well-Known Member
Doubt it.

They can't do anything about a ton of seeds because all because you have seeds it does not show intent to grow but lets say if someone sends you a kilo of coke then it is a different ballgame.


Well-Known Member
i been oredering onIine for 8 yrs cc. and not one rip yet. i have done cash before to a few times. got aII my orders.:joint:

reservoir dog

Active Member
Don't worry about ordering seeds online and paying with a CC, I've ordered loads from the Netherlands and never had trouble! Not sure about the US but over here in the UK it is legal to buy seeds just not to germinate them :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Awesome . Yeah , Im in the U.S. of A. so every bodies pretty much sketched out :(.
Anybody here order in the U.S......(to the house) and not have a problem? ..

Thanks for the reassurance doods.Everyone here is the best.

This page and you guys/gals are exactly why this country used to be great !!!!! my 2 cents.



Active Member
your not buying them to grow are you....

your an enthusiastic gardener and u saw these seeds nd bought them as a souvenier

peace bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Just go ahead and order and don't worry about it anymore, after you order it will take a week and you won't have to worry anymore.

Planet delivers faster than Attitude if that helps make your mind up.


Well-Known Member
When you order with CC put your real name in the credit card info area. Then below you can put a fake name in the shipping address area.
I think they need your real name to get the card to work.
Thats what I did last time.
On my next order I think Im going to use my real name. Because I almost had a problem with the package name not matching up to my real identity.
Most important dont have anything growing if your sending the seeds to the same address where your going to be setting up.
Good luck.