creative suite4


Well-Known Member
once upon a time i had it. but it expired, before i was not stoned enough to realize that there were ways around letting it expire, without paying out the ass for it.

can some1 help a poor bastard like myself out, and point me in the right direction?


Well-Known Member
i thought i had done that.... by blocking access via norton. does cs4 use a weird application name to call home?
maybe i waited too long to do that.... i didnt block till the last 7 days


Well-Known Member
Just go to isohunt and download the CS4 master suit or just the program that you want. It comes with instructions on what to do. You could install little snitch, but you could also just add some lines to your host file and not have to install a new program. It's really easy to do, but if you have the cash you should buy it.

Or smoke me out, im out of bud, and ill come over and do it all for you. lol