Well-Known Member
Fin, buddy, pal, old cock....
The evidence is right there man, here let me help; you seem to have trouble with trivial tasks and interpreting the basics of the English language.
"The Pyramid Texts were a collection of Egyptian mortuary prayers,
hymns, and spells intended to protect a dead king or queen and ensure
life and sustenance in the hereafter. The texts, inscribed on the
walls of the inner chambers of the pyramids [from c. 2686-c. 2160
BC]., are found at Saqqarah in several 5th- and 6th-dynasty pyramids,
of which that of Unas, last king of the 5th dynasty, is the earliest
known. The texts constitute the oldest surviving body of Egyptian
religious and funerary writings available to modern scholars."
-Encyclopedia Britannia-
The Rigveda of Hinduism is proposed to have been composed between 1700–1100 BCE[2] making it possibly the world's oldest religious text still in use.
Has a table of written languages used before 1000BC, most of which pre-date the Hindu writings.
Here's an excerpt from just above the table;
"A very limited number of languages are attested from before the Bronze Age collapse and the rise of alphabetic writing: The Sumerian, Hurrian, Hattic and Elamite language isolates, Afro-Asiatic in the form of the Egyptian and a number of ancient Semitic languages, Indo-European (Anatolian languages, Mycenaean Greek and traces of Indo-Aryan[1][2][3]), and Sino-Tibetan (Old Chinese). There are a number of undeciphered Bronze Age records, like the Linear A (encoding a possible "Minoan language", Proto-Elamite and a "Harappan language" (Indus script)."
So, in less than 2 minutes, and by typing 5 words, I proved you wrong.
Seems like 85% of what you say is incorrect based solely on ignorance. All of the evidence is right at your finger tips, you're just too stupid/lazy/stubborn to find it.
You seem to have misunderstood what I said.
I just said I personally doubted his correctness, based on the past.
NOT that I flat out thought he was wrong.
Thank you for doing the leg work for me though

Seriously, Thanks.
And you didn't prove me wrong, Midphuk did

You just got over excited about my doubt