Creating seeds with my coloidal silver and currently growing plants, need help


Well-Known Member
It takes a special person to spread the love. I have even more respect for you now. I already thought you very brave for experimenting in an open forum. And I was thrilled to just come a long for the ride. But if I could actually get my hands on two of gifts .ohhh what a thrill.
You see I never grow a fem seed, only about a five gallon bucket of bag seed.
And if it's the thought that counts, well you've made my day (-:

Ps I don't know if the avatar pic is of you, but please don't me bad news just let me dream lol hahaha


Well-Known Member
So you guys think that when I suspect the pollen sacs are close to opening/ripe for harvest, I can simply snip the entire branch off and stick it in water in a window sill and they will be ok to finish there??

The sacs are starting to grow quite a bit, but havent dropped at all yet, Ill have to get more pics. I just dont want to wait to long and have some open up in the tent, or cut to early and have them die before producing pollen


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry about that that last little bit of the last post, I really have to stop posting shit when I'm high.

But yeah I do finish a male under a light using a diy bubble cloner. Mostly because of space concerns and stealth. It usually works but not always.


Well-Known Member
Not a problem at all everyones got a silly side on here

I dont have a bubble cloner though so I guess Ill have to watch them religiously and do a little more research on the signs they are about to pop


Well-Known Member
The bubble cloner I have is a Diy. Coffee can with 3" hole a piece of neilling pad for the puck a single outlet air pump a 3" air stone. 100% so for . Sometimes I use plain water sometimes I use a little super thrive sometimes a little great white. It's all worked so for.

Ok maybe 95% there was that 1 time back in .................... Time to pack another bowl.
What ever works I'm rooting for ya


Well-Known Member
They will start hanging down and then open thats when you will see the pollen sacs. When the pollen sacs are drying up they turn more yellow and that is when they start dropping pollen. You can test them by tapping your finger nail on the bottom.

Oh yeah! I just harvested 40 or so fem seeds from the flower sites I pollinated earlier in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Im thinkin I may snip my branch in 24hrs or less, the main cola sacs appear to have colored were it will split open, some sacs appear droopy

Too soon, I was just going to cut the whole branch and place it in a cup / vase watever i have to support it and into the window sill she goes until i see pollen

Im stressin can you tell?



Well-Known Member
Here are some male flowers from my male plant at different stages so you can see what those look like.

They open and dump pollen when they dry up. I bumped the pot a few times to make some drop all their pollen.



Well-Known Member
I feel like i should isolate the entire plant at this point, but i have no tent for it and its on a 7pm to 7am light schedule, so if i pull it and stick it in a window i fear id mess with its cycle as that is opposite of natural sun times. Maybe ill build a makeshift tent with some panda film ive got and hang a few cfls in there to keep her goin but be seperate from the rest


Well-Known Member
I feel like i should isolate the entire plant at this point, but i have no tent for it and its on a 7pm to 7am light schedule, so if i pull it and stick it in a window i fear id mess with its cycle as that is opposite of natural sun times. Maybe ill build a makeshift tent with some panda film ive got and hang a few cfls in there to keep her goin but be seperate from the rest
That's what I was thinking


Well-Known Member
I guess I can do that then, if I have it isolated in its own little makeshift tent I can probably just leave it in there to pollenate the rest of the plant, and Id like to spread some pollen on a spot or two of some auto seeds Im currently running that are about 35 days old right now but flowerring.

After the sacs open and you pollenate a plant, in this case I can do that under my makeshift tent, would keeping it on its own for 3 days to let the pollen do its thing, before returning it to the flower tent with the 2 other females its currently living with, be an ok timeline. Or does it need longer? Ive heard people actuall wash the plant aswell a few days after pollinating to get any loose pollen off

I'll go get to work on the makeshift panda film tent right now


Well-Known Member
2 hours later this is what i come up with. All i could muster out of the parts bins and cfls i already had. Only about 120watts but i figure thats enough for the hopefully 1 week the plant should be in here, am i wrong

I staked and tied the pollen sac branch direct center, incase pollen starts falling naturally atleast it wont be wasted



Well-Known Member
I guess I can do that then, if I have it isolated in its own little makeshift tent I can probably just leave it in there to pollenate the rest of the plant, and Id like to spread some pollen on a spot or two of some auto seeds Im currently running that are about 35 days old right now but flowerring.

After the sacs open and you pollenate a plant, in this case I can do that under my makeshift tent, would keeping it on its own for 3 days to let the pollen do its thing, before returning it to the flower tent with the 2 other females its currently living with, be an ok timeline. Or does it need longer? Ive heard people actuall wash the plant as well a few days after pollinating to get any loose pollen off

I'll go get to work on the makeshift panda film tent right now
It wouldn't take days to establish. I would give it a day maybe, though it should be fertilized within hours.