Crazytrain's Pc Case Perpetual Autos


Well-Known Member
nice lookin pc so far man.....i just started a pc not to long doing a SCROG net for mine...i dont know if youve ever tried it, but with that PC you could probobly get some pretty nice yields with a SCROG.... plants are looking good though man cant wait till mine are done buddin....there about three weeks in...i was keepin a journal on em, but i havent updated them on here in a couple weeks...anyways just wanted to give ya some props on the plants.....


Well-Known Member
Check it out... I just ended my first grow and will start my UFO Sweet Deep Grapefruit. Can't wait... already soaking the seed. I posted a farewell video for my first grow... see what smoking weed does?

Thanks for all your help CT
anytime dude. shoot me a link if you start up a new journal

nice lookin pc so far man.....i just started a pc not to long doing a SCROG net for mine...i dont know if youve ever tried it, but with that PC you could probobly get some pretty nice yields with a SCROG.... plants are looking good though man cant wait till mine are done buddin....there about three weeks in...i was keepin a journal on em, but i havent updated them on here in a couple weeks...anyways just wanted to give ya some props on the plants.....

thanks man, ive thought about scrog. might give it a shot next time.



Well-Known Member
thas wassup!! i need to try that blue mystic...its goin around my town right now i know the grower...was trying to get some clones but it was too late in flower when we hooked up


Well-Known Member
well ive got 2 seeds. they are reg though. not femm. could be cool to get a male and female. might re do my lighting with a 70w hps in the near future we'll see



Well-Known Member
crazytrain u got any extra seeds you could throw my dyin to get another strain goin!! i trip out orderin seeds for some it pretty safe to do?


Well-Known Member
crazytrain u got any extra seeds you could throw my dyin to get another strain goin!! i trip out orderin seeds for some it pretty safe to do?
it is plenty safe to order seeds. just get the stealth shipping. i have read many cases where customs confiscated the seeds, but all they did is send the intended recipient a letter telling them there was contriband in a parcel shipped to them. be careful asking for seeds from people on a site


Active Member
it is plenty safe to order seeds. just get the stealth shipping. i have read many cases where customs confiscated the seeds, but all they did is send the intended recipient a letter telling them there was contriband in a parcel shipped to them. be careful asking for seeds from people on a site
Agreed... When I ordered my seed from Attitude, I asked for the coffeee mug you see in my avatar. It shipped to my house in Texas no problem. US Postal service baby!


Well-Known Member
What's up Crazytrain, man I had the same problems with my auto blue mystics. They out grew my pc case and are well over 2 and 3 ft tall. It took awhile for them to flower but now there are buds everywhere. Your grow looks like you are going to have some serious buds.



Well-Known Member
crazytrain u got any extra seeds you could throw my dyin to get another strain goin!! i trip out orderin seeds for some it pretty safe to do?
not sure i could do that man lol its safe to do the stealth shipping. ive never had any problems

What's up Crazytrain, man I had the same problems with my auto blue mystics. They out grew my pc case and are well over 2 and 3 ft tall. It took awhile for them to flower but now there are buds everywhere. Your grow looks like you are going to have some serious buds.

good to know man i might not grow this out out then. hmmm maybe either road runner or great white shark. i have 2 blue mystic and one auto nl but i know not to grow that out out unless its 12/12

update tonight guys been lazy over here blueberry is looking good.



Active Member
Maybe they screwed up and packaged a bunch of photo period fem seeds as auto's or something???
Strange why an auto would take so long to flower... I thought you were being a little impatient a week ago, but now... wow... i can't beleive there are no triches???


Well-Known Member
the blueberry is starting to flower nicely....under 12/12. trichs are starting to form. lights come on at 6 tonight so update sometime tonight. more than likely gunn ahead to the bar for a few beers so after that.


Well-Known Member
DAY 55

Plant Stage: flower
Light Cycle: 12/12
Lights: 1 125w cfl 6500k
Medium: ffof
Ferts:hygrozyme, snow storm ultra, flora nova bloom
Strain: lowlife auto blueberry femm, delicious la diva auto femm

good day ladies and gents....and ladies here?

anyways its day 55 for the blueberry and its looking good jsut tall. small ploblem though. lower leaves are starting to fall off. i flushed a tad today. what are yalls thoughts on the pics. the last couple of pics are la diva. i am going to mix up a batch of smowstorm for her. she is getting really crystally. i think the ffof soil is just to hot for her. anyways enjoy the pics i took alot. comments or suggestions are always welcome.




Well-Known Member
WOW, need i say more.

oh, the la diva looks like a lizard buried in the bush!!! so cute

but man, how much longer do you think the blueberry will go? it looks like about 3-4 weeks...