Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

very nice socko. thanks for the advice. my main thing is because i have a cat i dont want to lay down any hard chems around the walls. but flour sounds safe enough

Boric acid is advised; roaches will eat the flour also, but allegedly it kills them also (I haven't done and CSI type investigation into that claim however)
Dude, they're only roaches. Lay down some baits and invest in a can of bug spray and nuke the fuckers when you see them. You don't need to go to the lengths of getting your apartment sprayed unless you start seeing tiny roaches on the move, which means they're breeding.

You should see the ones we get in Australia in the summer, they are the size of my fist and fly!
that would freak me out.My brother told me about flying cockroach's.
1. have you ever used bay leaves? for like stews and such. when I was a younger man and living in an apartment I would lay down bay leaves in the corners of the cupboards (at my Grammies instruction) and floors. never had a roach and the rest of the place was swimming in them.
2. Can't say I agree with anyone ever having a grow in a rental, legal or not, but your question isn't about personal morals.
I guess part of my reason for not wanting to call exterminator is because in the past (different apartment) I had them spray our unit and it didn't do any good. Took em like 5 times before they finally found the source. And my place definitely isn't the source. I'm thinking its the people below me.

And no seeder, i haven't heard of bay leaves. i will definitely look into it!
I bought 4 large syringes of the Advion roach shit.
I've still got 3 and 1/2 tubes left.
That's how good the shit works.
I also bought a huge bag of the Advion Roach Arenas, and have only used 5 of them.

German Cockroaches were brought in with a couple fish tanks a buddy gave me.
I left to go out of town for a few weeks, came back and they were EVERYWHERE.
I gave the smaller tank to my mother and her situation was the same. They were using sprays, and baits but it didn't do shit.

You just clean your house. Make sure there is NO FOOD OR WATER ANYWHERE for the roaches to eat so they'll all eat the bait.
Roaches can live for months or something like that without food, but only 3 days without water.

Basically, get them hungry and then put tiny BB sized dots all around where you see them.
They eat the shit, go back to the nest and die, other roaches eat them, they die.

I WAS FUCKING FREAKED when I found German Roaches all in my house.
I thought it was going to be a long hard battle that I'd probably lose and just have to settle on controlling them.

I cleaned, and baited up the house and had to leave for ANOTHER week.
Came back and it looked like Armegedon. Dead roaches and a few live retarted ones.
Cleaned the house again and rebaited it. (I'm a Master Baiter by this time)
Had to leave AGAIN for a week. Came back and haven't seen one since. That was two months ago.
Mom reports the same.

Totally dodged a bullet.

You can Youtube the stuff and see what it's all about. Totally infested houses brought under control in under a week. The stuff is liquid GOLD.

Just hope this helps someone out there with roaches.
They can be beaten, but not with sprays or conventional baits.


I'd say don't worry too much about bringing roaches to your new place, because they probably have roaches there already. Boric acid usually works really well for me, but earlier this year we had a problem with lots of the little bastards that just wouldn't go away. I bought bait stations and traps, which didn't completely solve the problem, assuming they did anything at all. Then I got the kind you squeeze out of a syringe and put some of that around the apartment where we saw roaches. That's the last we saw of the little vermin. Gone in 24 hours. I think that was either D-Con or Raid.
I'd say don't worry too much about bringing roaches to your new place, because they probably have roaches there already. Boric acid usually works really well for me, but earlier this year we had a problem with lots of the little bastards that just wouldn't go away. I bought bait stations and traps, which didn't completely solve the problem, assuming they did anything at all. Then I got the kind you squeeze out of a syringe and put some of that around the apartment where we saw roaches. That's the last we saw of the little vermin. Gone in 24 hours. I think that was either D-Con or Raid.
idk man. we are pretty roach free around here. usually if you have them, it means you are either a dirty person or somebody near you is infested with em. not a good look when you bring a female over hahaha. plus i've lived within 5 miles of here for my whole life. only had to deal with them fuckers twice.
that would freak me out.My brother told me about flying cockroach's.

Yeah, they're pretty intense. Years ago when I was still in high school, I was laying in bed and had a CD on my desk which was reflecting light from a neighbors security light next door onto my roof. Anyway, a roach walked across the CD and got projected onto my roof, all sorts of horrifying! When I jumped up to grab something to swat it, it took flight in the dark and terrorized me until I finally switched the light on.