Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

Ok so to begin, im in Colorado. Home of amendment 64 (legal marijuana). Living in the top floor of a 3rd story apartment building. And I woke up this morning to fire alarms, and people running around screaming "FIRE!!!!!" Grabbed the kitty cat and ran out the door. left everything. Turns out that the people below me caught their unit on fire. On my way down the stairs the lady from the office was banging on everybodys door tryin to evacuate everybody. She told me that she had to go into my unit. I told her it was just me and the cat, and nobody else was in there. But she still said they had to go in. I saw them enter my unit right as i was going around the corner downstairs. I was in a groggy sleepy adrenalin fueled panic. Put my little furball in the car and left for the day. Was worrying all day if my unit and stuff was going to be alright and if they were going to fuck with my grow or not. After a few hours I was sure the fire department would be gone and figured it was worth it to circle the block and make sure there was nothing fishy going on. Everything seemed fine. Went into my apartment and everything was exactly where i left it. Grow room was in full tact. I was atleast expecting to find a note, letter, or some sort of paper telling me i wasnt allowed to be doing what im doing. Even had the main lease holder call the office and they said everything was fine and they didnt mention anything about the plants. Ehhhhhhh i got off lucky! Maybe this was the test. Now theres bigger shit to worry about than a few plants. all is well. gonna have a great day now.
Well later in the night i go into my bathroom and noticed a cockroack on the floor. (i have lived here for 2 years and never had any problems with bugs here). So my guess is they were in the unit below us and once their place caught fire they decided to migrate up here. Im a pretty clean person. I cant live with bugs, fuck that!!!! So i talked to a few people about what i should do. My plants are about 40 days into flower. and i only got 1 month left on the lease. couldnt have a more perfect timing for a harvest. the original plan was just to move somewhere else when the lease is up. Now im running the risk of bringing these little fuckers with me when i move. So if i notify the office and have them come to spray now i have to worry about what the exterminator thinks about the whole grow situation. It seems like the office had no problems with it. Its only a few plants...

I was told best thing to do is get roach bait and traps, and do some harm on these little pests just until harvest. But then im still going to be moving all my shit that could possibly be infested to new location... Plants are a little too big to just be transporting them, probably about 4' from the top of the pots. so about 5+ feet total. Im sure there are plenty of closet growers who have had experience with bugs and or exterminators... im so stressed about the whole situation. Who has any ideas for me?!?!?!
Dude, they're only roaches. Lay down some baits and invest in a can of bug spray and nuke the fuckers when you see them. You don't need to go to the lengths of getting your apartment sprayed unless you start seeing tiny roaches on the move, which means they're breeding.

You should see the ones we get in Australia in the summer, they are the size of my fist and fly!
hmm... ok well the only thing I can think of(a lot of work), is the bedbug method. That's where u put everything like clothes sheets anything you can safetly put in the dryer on high heat for 5 mins. this kills bed bugs and ants and tons of little pests, but the cockroaches are no joke. If it was me I would do that and after I move in ALL my crap, i'd do a preventive bug bomb for roaches and alike. u said,"no plants fresh start"? this will give you time to asses the situation(look for em, feel out the grow situation,ect.) you've got "some" time to get stuff figured out.... your options are pretty open. if I had to transport and have stuff running in one day, then id be worried. that's me tho, godspeed and I hope your crop is plentiful before u leave.
well the roach i seen was pretty small. it was definately a newborn. I've lived at places in the past where the neighbors were infested so bad and we would occasionally get a passer-by. So i have had to deal with it in the past. but never with the grow here. and before we were told to wash and dry everything then bag it up in garbage bags. scoot everything away from the walls. and have them come in bait, spray and bomb. It sucked. And i know how big roaches can get in the islands. you shoulda seen what i had to deal with in hawaii. probably similar to you in australia. Honestly the big onces to creep me out as bad as the little ones
sweet. yeah its worth a try. would love to just finish this crop. looking beautiful!!!! just got a OG hood at the begining of this flower cycle. Fills my tent perfectly! I was stoked lol
Advion roach bait, and bait stations are THERMONUCLEAR.
You can pay more, but you can't get better.
2 houses TOTALLY eradicated of roaches.
Haven't seen one in a months.
They laughed at sprays, and the best/most expensive store bought shit we threw at them.

Believe it, or not the shit works.
Doesn't control them, it eradicates them if you are vigilant, follow directions, and keep on it.

Best thing out there.
Dude, they're only roaches. .....

:shock: he he he

Roach podwer works dang good...a exterminator told me plain ole flour is along the same lines (all these powders do is separate the shell and dehydrate the bugs) ...
Roaches do indeed screw with plants, dead skin cells, or whatever when they get hungry....
also be advised, typical through fares in buildings is along plumbings pipes, electrical wires and ductwork...

so if you spray, go in the bathroom vanity and spray the WARM water pipe and let it rundown the pipe, same for the kitchen....roaches also love the top hinge side corner of closet doors, behind electrical outlet covers and anywhere grease collects...also watch your kitchen scrubby, toaster insides and under/behind the stove (again, think GREASE!!!)

....the only good roach is a dead roach
very nice socko. thanks for the advice. my main thing is because i have a cat i dont want to lay down any hard chems around the walls. but flour sounds safe enough
P5210051.jpgP5210054.jpgP5210055.jpgP5210056.jpgP5210057.jpgP5210063.jpg Definately not my best run. but im pretty happy with it. cat-kush in the front (still pretty hairy) purple nepal on the back left, and grandfather kush on the back right. I probably could have dont a lil more understripping on that cat. I just didnt know when to call it quits
nice man! you are AMPED. it looks like it got lolly popped just fine. is the trichome maturaty/development the same on the lowers? if it is than that's all that matters. its not evident, but did u top?
day 38. FF ocean forest with FF nutes. i didnt top this round.. there's just a lil under bud/larf.. couldnt quite get enough light all the way down. but that og hood is definately penatrating. 1000w hps with a plantmax bulb
hell yeah. and when u start loosing your shade leaves( which is right around the corner) it will deff penetrate well. like my dad always says, penetration is good.