Crazy Question? What do you think about Cannabis Tea for watering my plant?

What if I got some water good and hot, and used it to draw out the nutrients from the leaves I've lost. The nutrients in the leaves of the plant are used to provide the bud sites with certain things they need during flowering no? SO. Why not draw out the fallen leaves' "lost" nutrients into a tea, and feed the plant over some intellectual conversation? Just a thought... what do you guys think??


Well-Known Member
i think it wont work, altho the idea sounds like it would work. i dunno, just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just gonna be a super inefficient way to create a very very weak fertilizer. Plus, plants pull nutes from leaves before they drop them, so you probably do better to go pick some green leaves off a tree and make tea out of them - or just get some Dyna Gro for $10 and have something 1,000 times more potent.