Crazy Marijuana Bust (No, not the underground one)


Well-Known Member
Bush was put in control by the power elite so that certain legislation and laws could be passed that would further take control of America out of its peoples hands and into the hands of the super powerful. Gas prices, drug wars, health care, gay marriage are all smoke screens so that no one can see what is really taking place.

Anyone who thinks I am a paranoid conspiracy theorist, look up the truth of the federal reserve system, research it and learn!! If certain people can pull this off, what can't they do!!


Well-Known Member
So just because you got pots full of soil with irrigation tubes leading to them, it's a hydroponic operation? Excuse me, a hydroponics lab. Who's experimenting?


Active Member
This is crazy. What a nice setup. The wires looked neat and well placed to me. This was a well though out set up. I would think word of mouth got them busted!