Crazy Chemist, crazy grow


Hello all, so here are some new pics, just posted to my album, all taken today. I need some of these leaf issues addressed before they become a problem, here is what I'm dealing with:

In case you wanted to compare, here is the system at 1wk4days...

And here is the system as of today...2 wks

Finally, some leaf problems, if you have any suggestions, please refer to the plant by number so I can see what you may think... Here is plant 1, lots of curling down towards the ends of the larger leaves. Sometimes the bent part appears to be darker than the rest of the plant, pretty obvious here...

Definitely has some bad curls

Heres a side shot so you get a better look

Top shot, look how curved they are...

Finally, plant 2 is looking wonderful, only has one little streak of yellow in uppermost leaf on the right of the picture, about 1/2 way down the leaf, on the side closest to the camera (the larger one, but not the biggest leaf on the bottom)

Below, 3 is looking much better, almost no leaf curl today, but it does have those few yellow spots at the tip of the bigger leaves. I won't sweat this until it gets worse.

There are 3 shots of number 4 is certainly showing signs of stress as well

All droopy-tippped...

Side view to show drooping...

Now...we all know #5 is my worst yet, really doesn't seem to like whatever it is that is causing this...if it is heat I am considering repositioning my lights, as I may have accidentally created a hot spot of sorts...look at how bad this one can't be ok.

Another top shot, look how deformed they are...

Here's a few side shots to really show you how bad it is...

Side again

Out of the water...

Not so hot at all...or maybe too hot? haha

Finally, this is #6, the one that had to be re-rooted due to bad initail stretching. Recovered well, but now is showing small brown specs on the 2 older, lower leaves. The older leaves, just below that (the lowest set) are curled down and yellow due to wilting after the re-root. These will be trimmed off soon as they do not appear to be recovering.

More brown specs on 6

You can really start to see the specs here...I wish I had a better camera right now ;)

So what does everyone think? Is the heat giving the yellow/brown spots on some? Could it be having the nute solution pumping all day? Is the turning down of the tips also related to heat, or is that more of a humidity thing?

Help greatly appreciated.


The leaf you were speaking of was not bent by my finger, but rather most of the leaf tips with raised segmentation (margins) and the bent leaves also suffer from this "bent" appearance, looking as if the leaf just wanted to make a turn and never filled out in that spot. I have see it before, but not to this extent. Notice I have angled my lights because so much light comes from the side of the bulb. Now that they are done sprouting I can probably face the lights straight down again, get rid of the over-lapping "heat barrier" and maybe see some change.

Like I said, I expected this would be the issue from the beginning, I just didn't consider the angle of the lights in my thoughts. Also kind of explains the super-growth of 2 and the messed up #5 because they are right across from one another, getting about the same light. I will re-angle my lights to be straight down. The box will still be run open at least 70% of the day to keep heat out. Maybe I can see some recovery in a few days.

Finally, about stunted growth. Now, these don't LOOK stunted, but the nodes are much closer than I expected. I planned to train/trim the nodes to be 1/2 inch or less apart. Instead, all my plants seem to be doing it on their own. The stalks are nice and thick, some even started to develop that <>-shaped stalk from the constant water flow, which eventually forces roots to grow UP from the soil, and out from the side of the stalk, but I have fixed that by moving my flow-hoses much further from the center of the bucket.

6-7 weeks I hope....


They seem to be responding very well to the new change in the heat of the room. Definitely must have been the problem. Pics coming later today....


Active Member
Mate You Should Ov Started With Soil As This Type Ov Thing Happens With Hydro Why You Go Hydro Cus All The Hype ? As Im Telling Ya Hydro Good For Cash Crops When It Comes To Personal I Wouldnt Wanna Smoke AnyThink But A Organic Soil Crop Just My 2 Cents Also Them Reflecters Gonna Give Ya Hot Spots


Roseman, I have been giving them small sprays just for good measure, especially once the leaves looked more dry. Thanks for the advice though, always appreciate a constructive reply. I think they like it, and they've been looking a lot better. I slacked yesterday, but there will be pics up in about 2 hours....

Cheese101, I have grown soil plenty of times, and I like it, but I have two reasons for this grow. First, I can pick out the best strains in a matter of 2 months if you count an early flowering. This allows me to make the next batch all from clones of a females that have already proven themselves worth my time. The speed of the process is my main attraction. Also, this has to be the most concealed grow possible, which makes the shorter growth cycle attractive. In all honestly, there will only be this and one more cycle in this house before I have to move. Also, I do plan on growing soil, as I love cloning. The soil will be reserved for the mother plants that I choose as the best of my crops, becuase the soil is MUCH more forgiving and will sustain the mother plant much longer (no one would store a mother in a hydro solution). To answer your question, I did not choose hydro for the hype. At the beginning of my journal it explains that I have grown both soil and hydro before, the hydro produced great results, but I have grown some SICK a$$ weed in soil before, you seem to have so much time to perfect it. However, growing only under 180W of CFL in a very flammable closet also makes me (reluctantly) put the HPS back in the shop. Soil is slower than hydro, no question. CFL is (watt for watt) slower than the HID lights, so I felt that growing soil and CFL would just prove to be the slowest of the slow and it could take 3-4 months to get a really good 17" plant with 2oz+ yield on all 6 of them. This way, I have it set down to 11 weeks on seeds, 8-9 on clones. That's really fast for a decent yield and only spending about $8 per month.

Come check back, pics will be up in 2 hours...


Elite Rolling Society
You're doing a great job, but you are sort of like a mother hen with her babies, over watching them and worrying too much about them.


Well-Known Member
I tried a system like this before, and root rot killed $100 worth of seeds. I was so pissed (cause I followed all directions to a letter) that i switched back to soil hahahhaha


Haha, I hear ya Roseman. I was freakin' out when I wasn't able to post the pics and see if anyone had ideas on that issue. At any rate, they are doing great, so I'm happy. I'll post less pictures till the end.

damnbigbudz, I checked out your journal, how far did you get in the hydro grow? I have had some sweet stuff in soil, even had one I naked Purple Piss for obvious reasons. I know some people dont scrub out their nute tanks in hydro grows when they switch the H2O. That just cuases algea and things to build up faster, and any bad stuff in there starts at a higher concentration. I love the soil life, but when it comes to speed, hydro all the way, especially if you don't have an HID light. I'm using CFL, soil would be too slow.

Skunkman, lookin good. How long you gonna flower for, assuming that is soil, right? I hope they fill out nice.


Active Member
Mate About What You Said Hydro Quicker I Use Canna Pro + Soil And Its Faster Than Hydro Give It A Shot If Ya Want Il Put A Clone In A Water Farm And One In The Soil And Show You The Results.Ive Grown Hydro Ive Used Flood And Drain + Dutch Drippers All Sorts Ov Media And The Only 1 That Ever Matched Upto The Speed Ov This Soil Was The Drippers But That Was Only During Veg Honestly I See Ya Point With Space And So On But Believe Me Hydro Is Not Faster Than A Good Quility Soil As I Said Il Do A Side By Side Grow And Prove This To You To Anyone That Wanna Believe All This Hydro Hype.Rite Ive Just Made New Thread As To Prove This Its In My Sig


Cheese: I have heard of Canna Pro, but I have never seen its effect. I would be very interested in seeing the comparison of the systems. What type of hydro are you using? I do have an air stone, almost constant water supply and 20/4 for the last week, switching down to 18/6 starting tonight. post updates here so I can check out your progress.

Update pictures coming today...maybe.


Active Member
Mate Il Be Using A Water Farm And Il Have Pics Up By Tonite For Ya :lol:Itl Be 18/6 For Veg Then 12/12 Il Be Using Canna Vega A And B And Canna Flor A And B That Will Be Only Difference In The Nutes From The Soil Grow Hydro Will Still Have Everythink The Soil Has Apart From These :-P


Cheese: Sounds good, and I'll be sure to check to see what else is in those brands of nutes, and the advantage they claim to offer over others. Do you know anything about what they claim to do, or how, and what else is found in those nutes compared to others? cant wait to see pics, I swear I'll stop slackin and pics of my girls will be up today...2 weeks 3 days now...


Alright, so the (hopeful) girls look great, nice roots, good growth, smell great on veg at 2 wks 4 days. Probably flower by week for at the latest, should be 6-10 inches tall, there are some stranglers I may have to get rid of. # of them look and smell wonderful in comparison and just might be the better crop, worth giving them their space to make the good stuff happen. I'm posting pics today to show you how many bud sites I have, they are explosive, some even growing whole new branches from the bud site, and I didn't even FIM or prune or anything. Although, the 3 goos ones (2, 3, 5) are getting really wide. Ill leave them for now, but may have to trim back (NOT cut off, trim the actual leaf) the shade leaves soon as they start to effect one another's growth.

Anyone have a method of keeping the girls thinner that you had a good experience with? Let me know. I have very small nodes, maybe 1/4 inch apart, 5-7 tall, nice and tight, so I will not move my lights up to stretch them. As of now I think trimming might be the only option, but keep in mind I'm not taking the big leaves off at the stems or branches, but some of them are too far reaching and I've had good experience with just cutting them with a pair of sissors. Suggestions?

Pics in 20 minutes


Alright, so I know I haven't put up pics recently, but they are doing well. They are getting big and pics definitely will be up tomorrow. UNtil then I have a bigger problem.

Other than being very crowded out of necessity, they are branching a lot. I have pics to accompany these, but I am typically not a "lollipop" grower, and I do prefer to tie down most of my larger shade leaves. However, it is so darn bright in my little chamber that I think it is causing a lot of branching. While I enjoy the added bud sites, the plants are crowding one another. I know what to do with my shade leaves and all, so please no one start an argument over that. I need to know what to trim. The pics will be up tomorrow but here is what I have:

The nodes, where say 2 shade leaves come out on opposing sides. Of course, at these nodes, the bud sites form in between the shade leaf stem and the stalk (the main stem). When these bud sites start growing little branches and thier own leaves, I am finding there is a slight decrease in light at these "core" sites I am interested in...this is a SOG stealth grow, I NEED big colas and no popcorn buds. The nodes of the bud-site branches (which are growing upwards relatively quickly) are leaving large gaps in the nodes characteristic of those popcorn crappers. SO here is my question:

Should I consider trimming the small bud branches completely off to focus mu buds right on the main stalk?

OR do I "top" these little bud branches (I guess we could call the secondary branching) in order to make each one have very close nodes and a bunch of smaller colas.

OR should I chop off all of the bud stems growing up and keep the shaders the way I wanted...and WILL this produce that single giant cola effect?


Active Member
What I did, which was similar to lollipopping. I cut off all the small shade leaves and popcorn buds about 1/3 the way up the plant, and at the same time I had the plant tied down, so I ended up with 7 colas, and 2 thumb sized buds. So, you could do some thing along those lines.


What I did, which was similar to lollipopping. I cut off all the small shade leaves and popcorn buds about 1/3 the way up the plant, and at the same time I had the plant tied down, so I ended up with 7 colas, and 2 thumb sized buds. So, you could do some thing along those lines.
Thanks for the response, it is about time someone has some useful information out there. I plan to keep most of my shade leaves, but I am curious if you trimmed the popcorn buds themselves, or if you trimmed the whole little branch off. Like where the popcord bud starts at the shade leave node, and the little thin branches of popcorn stems that make it seem like a bush...just cut them off as well? was this in a tight space? It is so tight in there that it will have to be just 6 main colas, one per plant or these things will just crowd one another.

Thanks again