Crazy Cannabis Canuck!


Just want to say hello, and send out much love from the North to all you fellow pot -heads!
I am still relatively new to the scene, my first grow....unfortunately it fell short as I made the mistake of buying some seeds from a bootlegger, and of all 9 seeds, only 1 was a female. Can u believe it? Keeping all the ladies for himself.:finger::wall: lol.
The fact that it turned out to be a Blue Dream, helps a bit, but my first valuable lesson, was to not trust seeds on the black market, and only from a reputable seed bank, where I sit now on some Humboldt/Green Crack seeds from GYO sandbank, as I anticipate the Blue Dream(5ft), harvest, which is just at the end if the first week in flowering.
Has anyone used GYO seeds? From what I hear they have a good rep, but like I mentioned, I'm still pretty new.
Anyways, I have been creeping around here for a while, and like other's have mentioned, the posts and the members here, are a cut above the other's where I see too much drama, and the information seems to be (top shelf) no pun intended.
It's nice to be in company of people of such good character themselves. It's great that I can finally pick brains, where we can all have a common goal, and I can see myself coming often. Thanks peeps :joint::peace:

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Welcome, and congrats on getting growing. The Odyssey has begun lol.

Keep that female as mother, in the vegetative stage, and cut clones from it when it is a good size/mature. It will preserve the blue dream strain and get you a cheap/ready supply of plants. It will push your first harvest off a ways, but it is a great investment for your grow.

This guy has a great guide, his name is Mr Canucks lol, that I followed and found great success with.



Welcome, and congrats on getting growing. The Odyssey has begun lol.

Keep that female as mother, in the vegetative stage, and cut clones from it when it is a good size/mature. It will preserve the blue dream strain and get you a cheap/ready supply of plants. It will push your first harvest off a ways, but it is a great investment for your grow.

This guy has a great guide, his name is Mr Canucks lol, that I followed and found great success with.

Lol! Since my last visit, I flowered the dream, and although I never saw this video till now, I took 7 clones, and it was easier then some make if it to be.
I used peat pellets then into super soil, in 3's. They came out small though, and had me wondering if the size of the cut=size of plant(s).
Tied them down but the branches grew hardly at all. So allot of work for little payout.
That video gave me alot of ideas, and his colas are some of the fastest I've seen since the Chef dude. ✌