Craziest sh*t youve seen high


I remember I was sitting on a buddys porch smoking a bowl and I saw a fucking meteor or some shit fly acrossed the sky and light up and then turn red it was fucking awesome :joint:

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I was sitting on a mountain smoking a few joints watching 3 hawks fight... They were diving thousands of feet with their wings tucked in dive bombing each other lol it was sweet


Active Member
i had this socials teacher who would cry all the time...
me and my buddy stuck sitting at the VERY front of class, he gets into a speach in our face about something absolutly stupid, a teacher that moved to another school locally, and started crying (agaaain ). me and buddy had to put our faces down cos i was laughing so hard


Active Member
Two midget (probably illegal) mexicans that my landlord hired to move a bigass couch up to my apt. up 3 flights of stairs. It was hilarious and I was high as hell watching it