crash -helmet-cheese


Well-Known Member
Three times ive smoked one joint of bubba cheese along with my own smoke and 3 days i work up with a serious sore splitting headache, its a totall different hit from the OG kush ive been smoking the last 2 months, it seems to have a sober-up effect too when smoked, my guess is to go off the og a couple of days them on to the cheeseshite and all should be fine, what do you's reckon anyone ever had this?


Well-Known Member
drink water man weed used to give me headaches almost gave it up too but yeh drink lots of h20!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Buck123 and thanks for the reply, your one in 97odd lol
am sure water would help alright but i think the hits so indiga and the sativa og am used too is the opposite... like mixing drinks sort of thing a wander