Craig's List Homosexual Sex

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This thread's funny... in a sort of pathetic way. There's definitely some denial going on here: IMO the OP is cheating and is bisexual. It's funny how if a girl occasionally messes around with another girl, everyone seems fine calling her bi... but with a guy, he's a total fag who loves things up his ass. I don't get the problem with using the word 'bisexual'.

All of the name-calling little boys in this thread (who for some reason get all worked up and threatened when someone else isn't just like them) are a joke. They totally come off as 7th graders who are feeling a little insecure in their own sexuality. Still, I don't feel bad about the OP getting beat up here - he's cheating, and he's got a fucked up view on this whole thing. Especially the part about having no respect for the guy he's using, or for any gay people at all - no better than the other angry little boys in this thread.
bad timing man

Craigslist removes adult services section

HARTFORD, Conn. – Craigslist has apparently closed the adult services section of its website, two weeks after 17 state attorneys general demanded it shut down the section.
The section had been replaced Saturday by a black and white "censored" logo.

Craigslist did not immediately return an e-mail seeking comment.

Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, one of the AGs who pressed for the change, said in a written statement that he welcomed the change and was trying to verify Craigslist's official policy going forward.
He said if it was doing the right thing voluntarily in response to the AGs, it could set a good example for others.

In an Aug. 24 letter, the state attorneys general said Craigslist should remove the section because it couldn't adequately block potentially illegal ads promoting prostitution and [COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]child [COLOR=#366388 ! important]trafficking[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR].
(This version CORRECTS APNewsNow. Corrects spelling of 'white' in 2nd paragraph. Will be updated. This story is part of AP's general news and financial services.)
shiit some day, if you all live long enough, you might be adult enough to know that just because a guy sucks your dick, and you like it, dosnt make you gay. And if I were I dam well wodnt be afraid of it, but im not. I'v always liked the ladies. Shiit you all sound like that little fag i had down between my legs slurpen last nite.

I was just reading the above post that alababba made, and i thought of a line from a movie that made me die laughing..........."Fuck no!!!! Ain't nothin' gay bout gettin your dick sucked! fact, you's the ones gay for suckin my dick....." Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
That is a sin man on man girl on girl.Go read the bible you raging bull dyke.

this thread is fucked.

first of all, OP, you are cheating. and you may not consider yourself bi, but you are. thirdly, your lack of respect for your partner and gays in general is disgusting.

secondly, everyone else on this thread showing such animosity towards someone else's sexuality, something that does not threaten or effect them in any way, should be reminded of the fact that you are on a weed growing website. ironic to find such a close minded group here.

thank you leothwyn and greengurl for bringing some civility to this.

a reminder to all the people that are gay bashing, that you harbor such animosity is probably a sign of your own latent homo tendencies. people who are secure in their sexuality feel no need for such cruel, mean spirited attacks.

after reading this thread i could swear this site is filled with middle schoolers.
this thread is fucked.

first of all, OP, you are cheating. and you may not consider yourself bi, but you are. thirdly, your lack of respect for your partner and gays in general is disgusting.

secondly, everyone else on this thread showing such animosity towards someone else's sexuality, something that does not threaten or effect them in any way, should be reminded of the fact that you are on a weed growing website. ironic to find such a close minded group here.

thank you leothwyn and greengurl for bringing some civility to this.

a reminder to all the people that are gay bashing, that you harbor such animosity is probably a sign of your own latent homo tendencies. people who are secure in their sexuality feel no need for such cruel, mean spirited attacks.

after reading this thread i could swear this site is filled with middle schoolers.

you're right unclebuck. but the dude uses the word "fag", that's degrading to gay people, like himself. so maybe some ppl are gay though and they're just calling him a fag. maybe its a gay thing so they're not really gay bashing.
this thread is fucked.

first of all, OP, you are cheating. and you may not consider yourself bi, but you are. thirdly, your lack of respect for your partner and gays in general is disgusting.

secondly, everyone else on this thread showing such animosity towards someone else's sexuality, something that does not threaten or effect them in any way, should be reminded of the fact that you are on a weed growing website. ironic to find such a close minded group here.

thank you leothwyn and greengurl for bringing some civility to this.

a reminder to all the people that are gay bashing, that you harbor such animosity is probably a sign of your own latent homo tendencies. people who are secure in their sexuality feel no need for such cruel, mean spirited attacks.

after reading this thread i could swear this site is filled with middle schoolers.

Yeah ok..whatever you say buddy...
you're right unclebuck. but the dude uses the word "fag", that's degrading to gay people, like himself. so maybe some ppl are gay though and they're just calling him a fag. maybe its a gay thing so they're not really gay bashing.

i have one gay friend. she and her friends will often call each other gay ( saw THAT movie? oh, that is sooo gay'), but in a way that detracts power and negative stigma from the word. it's like the difference between two black people greeting each other 'nigga' and a white person derogatorily calling a black person the same thing. the former takes power out of the word, the latter adds power to it.

i've never heard them call each other fags, just like i've never heard jews call each other kykes. and the OP doesn't have a particularly nice view on gays, he is using it degradingly, like many of the people on this thread clearly are.
i thought religions preached to 'treat others as you would like to be treated'....does the golden rule not apply to gays?

nice comeback
Not if they continue to sin.

jesus said 'father forgive them, for they know not what they do' as they CONTINUED to persecute and kill him.

question: why are they sinners? if they are sinners, what direct harm are they doing to you by practicing their chosen sexuality in their own homes?

this ought to be fun...i'm pulling up a chair
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