Craig's List Homosexual Sex

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hey hey, slow down a wee bit. I dont think what i did was shitty at all, i didnt cheat on my girl. And I'm not gay. I guess i dont feel all good about it or this wouldnt have been my first post. Just needed to talk about it, to peeps i dont know. At least I'm honest, and also probably not the first or last straight guy that has done this, so dont need the childish prudery there dangledo,grow up. We all have needs, i just tryed to get mine meet without hurting anyone mainly my girl. I feel sorry for the kid, but hey, it would have only been once but he kept emailing me and being the horny slut that iam i couldnt say no.

grow up? you're surfing the net for dudes, and say its not cheating on your girl. Calling yourself a horny slut. Youre a butt pirate, plain and simple.
I couldn't believe this, than I thought to myself "To each his own Howzer, let it go". I'll be sure not to open posts with "Craig's List" in the title anymore:D
hey hey, slow down a wee bit. I dont think what i did was shitty at all, i didnt cheat on my girl. And I'm not gay. I guess i dont feel all good about it or this wouldnt have been my first post. Just needed to talk about it, to peeps i dont know. At least I'm honest, and also probably not the first or last straight guy that has done this, so dont need the childish prudery there dangledo,grow up. We all have needs, i just tryed to get mine meet without hurting anyone mainly my girl. I feel sorry for the kid, but hey, it would have only been once but he kept emailing me and being the horny slut that iam i couldnt say no.

Keep lying to yourself Liberace. It's ok to be a gay homo. And yes you are most likely the first person here to smuggle bone in a mans mouth you just met online, sorry. Again you sound like you are from the UK. Just go to Gatecrasher or The Ministry of Sound and pick up a sweaty techno loving nancy boy. Embrace your queerness Luke.
I guess you thought no body would know you here. Well guess what, WRONG. So she is home two weeks and gone two weeks. I know who you are....Now everyone is going to know, just watch how people look at you next time you go out. Ha Ha Ha (my evil laugh)
I'm not gay, I just like to get my dick sucked. This is the first time i ever let another man do my tool.
And i'v had lots of girls, most of them are still friends. and some i would still be with except for moving for work or school. Its real childish to think that if a guy sucks your cock and you like it its weird and must be gay. I just like the feel, i dont care who's down there.
I wouldnt hook up with a chick because, knowing me, i tend to form emotional and sexual bonds if i have sex with a chick. And I consider it cheating on my girlfreind. I dont have any feelings this way with another guy atall. After i cum they can walk of the end of the world for all i care. And Its a lot safer as far as diseases go. And I dont fuck other guys, shiit!!! I think you all should do some growing up, because most of your replys have been worthy of a five year old. Ronjohn is the only one that made any sense, what you doen tonite Ronjohn? LOL just kidden.
Of course you're cheating on her, and of course you know this... otherwise, you wouldn't be hiding it from her. Period. Case closed.

You can tell others to grow up all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that straight men don't get sucked off by other men. Straight men would be turned off by the very idea, and they certainly wouldn't hook up with another man from an Internet ad for oral sex. This wasn't even one of those, "Wow man, I was sooo drunk, and next thing I knew he was slobbering all over my cock! I didn't wanna like it, but you know, I was just so DRUNK!" You sought it out, with intent. Deal with it.
Get some respect for yourself and your girl man.

Probably a fake thread, but you're gay if it's real, and a cheater.
ou can tell others to grow up all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that straight men don't get sucked off by other men. Straight men would be turned off by the very idea, and they certainly wouldn't hook up with another man from an Internet ad for oral sex. This wasn't even one of those, "Wow man, I was sooo drunk, and next thing I knew he was slobbering all over my cock! I didn't wanna like it, but you know, I was just so DRUNK!" You sought it out, with intent. Deal with it.

Well i guess the above is bullshit, because i'm as straight as they come and i did everything you said straight men dont. Maybe your idea of the straight stereotype is whats fucked up. I dont respect gay men, but i do women, everything thats good in my life came from females, everything. My mom, my girl, even my little brother that i love for ever.
My fucken dad tryed to sell me to his dealer when i was five to pay his fucken heroin tab. Its way easy for me to have casual sex with someone i dont respect. I dont respect gays, or men they serve a purpose thats all. I could never disrespect a women by demeaning her to suck my cock when i dont even know her, that would be wrong.
ya okay, i'm really fucked up, and a homo. But hey, i probably have a closer relationship with the women in my life than any of you. And i know i'm a better lover than most of you dip shits, because i never have had a girl leave me, it was always me that left first.
ya okay, i'm really fucked up, and a homo. But hey, i probably have a closer relationship with the women in my life than any of you. And i know i'm a better lover than most of you dip shits, because i never have had a girl leave me, it was always me that left first.

Thats because you fuck her like you fucking a man.Get locked up you will probably love it.
you're such an idiot. first of all im offended that you would even post some gay shit like that. i thought girls were on craiglist selling pussy, i totally 100% didnt expect such a gay, and fucked up story. also you're a total fag....YOU LET ANOTHER MAN SUCK YOU OFF!!! how much gayer can that be. also, to think that you cant get STD's from a blowjob is like thinking you cant get poked when jumping into a pile of needles. You should tell your girlfriend about the story so she'll leave your gay ass, AND you should go get yourself checked for STDs (anyone who gives free blow jobs, to anyone, over craigslist is pretty desperate.......I bet you have herpes now, or even worse AIDS seeing as its most common among gay men)

man you're so gay and should really have more self respect.
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