"Crackdown on UK Cannabis Farms"


Well-Known Member
BBC News Website, 9th June 2008:

"By toughening the law on cannabis the government hopes to drive a crackdown on UK "farms", many of which have sprung up in recent years."

Read the full article HERE

Out government here in Blighty sure do like to waste their fucking time. Big time growers I can understand, but if they start busting small personal growers, then I think it's time I moved out of this shit hole country. They concentrate their resources on the 'evil' cannabis(!?), whilst ignoring the real 'evil' drug; alcohol. Utter wank. Points for sound-bites is all they're interested in.



Active Member
This sort of stuff makes me angry too mate.
You hear so much shit in the news in this country about cannabis psycosis, vietnamese gangs running mass weed farms, people spraying bud with glass beads to add weight??!!??
Its all complete bull shit.
I am 21, have smoked weed only, everyday for the last 4 years and I first started smoking it when I was 15.
I have never seen or heard of vietnamese people growing in this country, never met anyone that has suffered from psycosis, and never found any so called 'grit weed' either, and I know lots of people who have been smoking weed for 15 years+.
The government in this country is engaged in promoting a lot of bullshit about cannabis, whilst failing to provide a single fact that will stand up to scrutinisation.
As for re-grading cannabis again to a class B.
This is bollocks also, it was Class B when I started, and that won't stop me now.
However I try not to panic and become a militant because I strongly feel that shouting out about the made up bullshit that they come up with, without providing any factual evidence to back anything up, is only gonna pave the way for open minded, informed people to step up and tell the truth and open other peoples eyes to the bollocks churned out by the government.
There's only 1 way.
HEMP FOR VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jack Herer - Chapters

DANKINFO-Educate yourself on the Drug War Here


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it. Gordon Brown is really being a wanker, reclassifying to a Class B, what the heck?? Gateway drug, what the heck?? Super Skunk dangerous, what the heck??

Peace out x


Well-Known Member
It's a friggin plant for Christ sake! ... Show you how corrupt the government are ... this is about control of the people ... nothing more:spew:


Active Member
Thats absolutely right. We're told what to eat, what not to eat, don't smoke, don't drink and most of all............ don't have any fucking fun, unless it's the kind of fun, 'they' want you to have. All of which cost money.

'Weed gets you through times of no money, better than money gets you through times of no weed'.
From someone smarter than me.

'Money is the root of all evil'.
From the bible.

'The thought of dying with nice clean lungs disgust me, I may as well as get some use out of the fuckers before I die cos they'll be no use to me then!'
Or words to that effect, by Howard Marks (AKA Mr Nice)

Chew it over....


Well-Known Member
my local news channel just did a piece on legal Cali grow ops and MM cardholders.
It was a bleek outlook that showed a few fires that where started because of the grow lights and meany who rent houses, only use them for grow ops.
All in all, the underlining was about how out of control, almost unamerican Cali stance is on cannabis......If anything(I have friends over)made us want to move there.
In my eyes the report backfired and only should everyone...grow and live in peace in worrie free Cali.


Active Member
California!.............Nows how to party!
Get me a green card.
The weathers good, you can grow and its against the constitution to pay your income tax, I fucking love America! lol.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

I'm planning the move as we speak.


its all bullshit when have u heard of someone gettin nice and mashed then going out glassing someone and fighting on the streets propaganda all of it