CPS murders kid taken from pot smoking parents


Active Member
Two-Year-Old Taken from Parents Because They Smoked Pot is Murdered in Foster Care
It is time for Child Protective Services to recognize that foster care is potentially more damaging to a child than a parent's marijuana use.

Two-year-old Alexandria Hill was placed in foster care after her parents were caught smoking marijuana in their home while she slept. Authorities charged them with "neglectful supervision," and just months away from getting their baby back, the loving parents learned they would never see their young child again. Placed in a foster home to protect her from them, Alexandria was brutally killed.


-- I just think it's fucked up. I wish my parents had smoked pot and introduced me to it and grown it and taught me to grow it. These people step in to help and give it to someone who's even worse. I thought you'd like to know about it.



Well-Known Member
Two-Year-Old Taken from Parents Because They Smoked Pot is Murdered in Foster Care
It is time for Child Protective Services to recognize that foster care is potentially more damaging to a child than a parent's marijuana use.

Two-year-old Alexandria Hill was placed in foster care after her parents were caught smoking marijuana in their home while she slept. Authorities charged them with "neglectful supervision," and just months away from getting their baby back, the loving parents learned they would never see their young child again. Placed in a foster home to protect her from them, Alexandria was brutally killed.


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While I wholeheartedly agree with you on this, I don't think it's going to get any better as we become more fascist as a nation daily. I think most of us can agree that in the last year the partisan rift is starting to poke pins holes in the cannabis movement and it's becoming very troubling indeed. If we don't start working together instead of constantly trying to pass legislation to cause each other pain we may very well lose the ground we have gained. The only thing we have gained in the last 5 years is more marijuana arrest, a huge increase funding for the DEA, and secret programs revealed that make it easier to catch people without warrants. What Colorado and Washington have done is unprecedented but with the current attack on state rights, I am not sure how long it will last if we don't change course quickly.


Active Member
Wow thats un beliveable. Just because u smoke pot or take edibles or any form of marijuana intake it makes you an unfit parent. What a load of horseshit


Well-Known Member
Wow thats un beliveable. Just because u smoke pot or take edibles or any form of marijuana intake it makes you an unfit parent. What a load of horseshit
But it's ok to come home drunk and beat your kids...ya know...as long as you don't leave bruises...


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ, that's horrible. My heart goes out to the parents for this senseless loss. But the "religious conservatives" will only blame the parents for smoking and putting their kid in the broken system. Never will they admit that the laws against marijuana are wrong and wholly to blame for this child's death.


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ, that's horrible. My heart goes out to the parents for this senseless loss. But the "religious conservatives" will only blame the parents for smoking and putting their kid in the broken system. Never will they admit that the laws against marijuana are wrong and wholly to blame for this child's death.
I bet they would have felt bad about it if not for the anti-depressants they take.


Well-Known Member
your kids arent yours anymore. It takes a village whether you want it to or not. Im not having any for this among other reasons. You cant even spank the little bastards without cps coming knocking.
I dont agree with the OP on the parents being burnouts and teaching kids to grow (paraphrase). Most of the people I know that smoked heavy before 18yrs old are dumbasses now. Its still a drug and should be treated like one around kids. Their peanut brains are still developing.


Well-Known Member
your kids arent yours anymore. It takes a village whether you want it to or not. Im not having any for this among other reasons. You cant even spank the little bastards without cps coming knocking.
I dont agree with the OP on the parents being burnouts and teaching kids to grow (paraphrase). Most of the people I know that smoked heavy before 18yrs old are dumbasses now. Its still a drug and should be treated like one around kids. Their peanut brains are still developing.
Everyone knows that the day you turn 18, your body magically "Changes" into an adult. Pre 18 you are just a child, a baby, after 18, fully grown and 100% responsible. Its an amazing transformation, not unlike the butterfly, but without any detectable differences. Simply magic.

Most likely your dumbass friends were, and always would be dumbasses no matter what they did.


Well-Known Member
Everyone knows that the day you turn 18, your body magically "Changes" into an adult. Pre 18 you are just a child, a baby, after 18, fully grown and 100% responsible. Its an amazing transformation, not unlike the butterfly, but without any detectable differences. Simply magic.

Most likely your dumbass friends were, and always would be dumbasses no matter what they did.
ladys and gentlemen. I present a person that started smoking to early.


Well-Known Member
cheetos, are you okay in the head?

they didnt teach the kids to grow, they didnt smoke around the kids.

they simply enjoyed smoking weed while the child was asleep.

the child probably had little to no knowledge of it.

would you then like it to be law that if you drink around your children they should be taken away?

EDIT: if you are that incapacitated by weed that you cant do simple things like interact with others then maybe you should A - stop smoking weed and B - work on your interpersonal skills


Well-Known Member
ladys and gentlemen. I present a person that started smoking to early.
Actually I was making fun of your assertion that pre 18 year old brains are somehow much different and more susceptible to MJ smoke. Then you follow it all up with a personal anecdote like it was some kind of fact. The irony is that you took it to be an actual statement and not the facetious piece it actually is.

FWIW it is Ladies and gentlemen and too early. The only time you would ever use Ladys would be as a possessive noun as in Lady's purse.


Well-Known Member
lol grammar correction on a forum. Nice comeback.

I used 18 as a generic number for "brain is close to developed". use whatever number you want.

In my experience kids that smoke heavy are burn out losers. Maybe its becasue they dont read or study because they are having so much fun getting stoned or maybe there brains are fucked. I dont know. I can just see what I see.

*their. yea fuck you. got me proof reading shit on the internets


Well-Known Member
lol grammar correction on a forum. Nice comeback.

I used 18 as a generic number for "brain is close to developed". use whatever number you want.

In my experience kids that smoke heavy are burn out losers. Maybe its becasue they dont read or study because they are having so much fun getting stoned or maybe there brains are fucked. I dont know. I can just see what I see.

*their. yea fuck you. got me proof reading shit on the internets
hes learning!

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
it is fucked up how much control you don't have over you or your child's life. I my children no nothing about weed, plan on keeping it that way least till i feel they can understand that it is not something to do for fun, that it CAN cause them to not be as smart as they could be if they used it before they are Fully Grown< facts prove it... problem is a fear they will be in a pill bottle or a bottle far before weed which is sad in its self though i will do everything in my power to make sure they have a happy full life something the state can never say since they house more children then they can keep track of. Not pot related but a CPS location in Ohio had a child get molested while under THEIR supervision in THEIR building, i fear for my children any time someone talks about CPS not for the idea i am a bad person but because it is the same to me as leaving them out on the street with "hoods" that dont care just see $$$$ in the idea of having them .
