Thanks to all who were concerned! I'm still waiting to find out what will happen, the way the courts work it won't be anytime real soon.

But I'm hear to talk weed!!!

We are at 12 days out of the soil. I've fed them 3 times so far at about 1/3 strength. I think I over did it the first time, you'll see some spots on the lower leafs. Now the pics!!!
First is a the white widow. I thought I lost her

I was going pull her out tonight when I went to water. Now I'm not so sure she's dead, you can see the little green spot in the middle. Most of been shock from the transplant. I don't think the little pots I had them in are still good to use, they seemed to be molding. Plus they dry out real fast.
Next is the first of the MN (Mystery Nug). A couple of angles.
MN #2..
Then the Purple Jesus. She has been showing strange leaf growth since the beginning. Hopefully it's an ugly duckling. (she's still beautiful to me!)
A little work left to do on this but here is the veg area. I need to figure out a way to easily adjust the chains in the back. I'm still leaning towards some pullies. We'll see..