
Disclaimer: I don't know anything the website or it's reputation......

STATNEWS: Blood clots in severe Covid-19 patients leave clinicians with clues about the illness -- bu


Doctors treating the sickest Covid-19 patients have zeroed in on a new phenomenon: Some people have developed widespread blood clots, their lungs peppered with tiny blockages that prevent oxygen from pumping into the bloodstream and body.

A number of doctors are now trying to blast those clots with tPA, or tissue plasminogen activator, an antithrombotic drug typically reserved for treating strokes and heart attacks. Other doctors are eyeing the blood thinner heparin as a potential way to prevent clotting before it starts.

Without a rigorous study, though, it’s impossible to know the potential risks or benefits of tPA, blood thinners, or other drugs — or what makes a difference. Until more robust research gets underway, the body of evidence now is a handful of case reports and anecdotal observations on the use of drugs to combat clots.

Much more at link.
Some doctors have been discussing using d-dimer testing to forecast the individuals with the most severe disease and potentially using it to detect covid on it's own as an end run around the paucity of PCR tests.
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This just in. All recovered covid patients are now able to dunk a basketball. Every single one of them. Thousands of US youths are now out socializing attempting to catch the virus in anticipation of acquiring this awesome new skill. Doctors and scientists are completely baffled by this startling discovery. "Even my 86 year old grandma can now stuff the rock in the hole, and does so every chance she gets. It is unreal", say Dr. Sanjay Gupta of UC Berkley Medical Center. "I'm almost looking forward to contracting the disease my damn self!" The downside is that you have a 2.5% chance of dying, but the upside is if you survive, you have a 100% chance of throwing it down on the court...

Recovered Covid-19 patients strange newly acquired ability
Walmart had Ultra Plush-Ultra Smooth-One sheet will do it-Charmin in the store today. My worship of the Procter&Gamble Sun God paid off, lol
Only shortage I'm still seeing is Iso and wipes. Plenty of dairy, meat/pork, frozen food, produce.
I'm reduced to using Scott. I'm missing my deluxe 'shit paper' (thank you @tangerinegreen555 that bon mot is burned in my memory). Although I do have some rolls of Charmin' stashed so I can remember the pinnacle our society attained.
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Latest pandemic shortage: Cheese? Aren't farmers pouring milk out onto the ground?

So we tried wegmans delivery for the first time. Our "shopper" was texting questions about substitutions. When he got to the cheese aisle he said they didn't have our choices and he'd have to move on. My wife kept offering alternatives and he was saying they were out. He finally texted her a picture of a completely empty cheese reefer section to make a point.


My kids told me a lot of stores are out of cheese in the area.

So we have a brain dead stimulus system where farmers are losing millions of dollars being forced to throw out a product which can easily be made into a commodity that is in short supply.

Where has common sense gone? Isn't this directly in the GOP wheelhouse? Save farmers. Capitalism.