
A New York City taxi driver kept working to pay bills. Now he and his family are sick
"This is my job. We depend on it," Raul told Sandra, his wife of 32 years.
Now he's sick. His wife is sick. His older daughter and son-in-law are sick. Raul can't work. And there wasn't enough money for April rent.
When I first posted this link last week there were 90,000 cases in the United States. There are now 305,820 cases and 8291 deaths. We're on track to surpass a million cases in the next 10 days. Hopefully not. But hang on just in case. I'm wearing a bandana over my face whenever I go out in public as everyone should. It's as much to avoid contracting the virus as it is to avoid spreading it. You can be a carrier and not even have symptoms or even get sick. My parents are 80+ and high risk. I'm not going near them. They're hunkered down and safe. Mom's got a spray bottle of disinfectant and box of latex gloves. Anything entering her house is decontaminated prior to entry.

If you haven't already watch the movie Contagion.

Let's hope this virus doesn't get even worse in the fertile grounds we call America.

Good health and luck to all of you.

When I first posted this link last week there were 90,000 cases in the United States. There are now 305,820 cases and 8291 deaths. We're on track to surpass a million cases in the next 10 days. Hopefully not. But hang on just in case. I'm wearing a bandana over my face whenever I go out in public as everyone should. It's as much to avoid contracting the virus as it is to avoid spreading it. You can be a carrier and not even have symptoms or even get sick. My parents are 80+ and high risk. I'm not going near them. They're hunkered down and safe. Mom's got a spray bottle of disinfectant and box of latex gloves. Anything entering her house is decontaminated prior to entry.

If you haven't already watch the movie Contagion.

Let's hope this virus doesn't get even worse in the fertile grounds we call America.

Good health and luck to all of you.

Sadly hearing projections of 1.8-2.2 million infections by mid April if people don't avoid eachother.
When I first posted this link last week there were 90,000 cases in the United States. There are now 305,820 cases and 8291 deaths. We're on track to surpass a million cases in the next 10 days. Hopefully not. But hang on just in case. I'm wearing a bandana over my face whenever I go out in public as everyone should. It's as much to avoid contracting the virus as it is to avoid spreading it. You can be a carrier and not even have symptoms or even get sick. My parents are 80+ and high risk. I'm not going near them. They're hunkered down and safe. Mom's got a spray bottle of disinfectant and box of latex gloves. Anything entering her house is decontaminated prior to entry.

If you haven't already watch the movie Contagion.

Let's hope this virus doesn't get even worse in the fertile grounds we call America.

Good health and luck to all of you.

Backatcha friend :eyesmoke:
My youngest daughter who got bumped off her good job to busy work two weeks ago, got laid off today.

Just as well right now I guess. Her and her coworkers signed up for Pa. UC before they left work today. System was jammed and slow but hers went through.

I never thought I'd see the day she got laid off.
Strange times indeed.
Wife got laid off today also till June 30.
My meager military retirement and VA disability has been taking care of the bills for awhile. Come June my SSI pay will be like a bonus.
Wife is still full time. I've been part time cash handyman to elder than I. Along with Ebay. Both gone now. No meager pension for 10 more years and physically broken. We'll get by. Shouldn't have to. But we will.
Neither PayPal or Ebay have people answering the phone right now.

Just a covid-19 message about going to their websites and sending email. Not sure who's going to read them anytime soon. Lol.

I called yesterday but was able to figure out the answer when I got a tracking number email today.
No use worrying about late orders, they're all late.
Been locked out as a store subscriber for almost two weeks. IDK.
So I went online to buy another atomizer vape pen today. Sold the fuck out.

But...they had all the parts available so I bought one part by part with 5 extra atomizers. Lol.

I'd rather have extra atomizers than the box, rubber container, dabbing tool and charger anyway. Already have lots of those.

Wound up about $20 more, but you don't get 5 extra atomizers at the regular price either. And I got the upgraded ceramic ones. I can hole up for months now.
My wife is still working full time from home.
Yeah Baby animated emoticon

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Interoffice email shows 2 nurses, that work on the same floor and unit where office normally is,
have been tested positive.
Shaking Head Sad

Good thing she got out while the getting was good.

And her manager wanted to give her grief when she first brought it up.

Her manager underestimates her despite accolades from prominent Dr.s at the top of the medical food chain.

The manager quickly changed her mind when the Head of Infectious Disease on the local task force stepped up
to quantify my wife's concern and promoted that she be allowed to work from home.

The manager is still bitter about it as it is not the first time Dr.s have offered their input, unprompted, bolstering my wife's positions.
Chicago Med Scrubs GIF by NBC - Find & Share on GIPHY

When your critics report to your fans the inner struggle is real,
especially when the bean counters find out that the management
pool is too top heavy for the work from home environment.
Winking Victory Sign animated emoticon

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My meager military retirement and VA disability has been taking care of the bills for awhile. Come June my SSI pay will be like a bonus.

I've been able to work (essential business) but the Mrs was laid off right after we came back from Dom Rep - poor girl has been sequestered to the house since early March & it ain't gonna get better for a couple of months at best.
CG retirement, VA comp, unemployment (for her), my salary & the apartment we rent will keep us in heat and grub better than most.

I truly wish all had a parachute to work with.
First Covid death in my county today, older guy in his 80's with a history of med problems
That sucks.

There's so much misinformation about all this shit. Should you wear a mask or not wear a mask. One report says yes, the next says it can trap a virus in the fabric. One says masks only keep the infected from spreading it, another says otherwise.

One report says there's a high % of asymptomatic carriers, the next says everybody gets pretty sick.

Stay back 6 feet, but it can travel 27 from a sneeze. Maybe. One guy gets sick, another lands in the hospital in ICU.

And if you wind up on a ventilator, you're as bad off as it gets with a 50% chance of checking out.

My mom signed papers to never put her on a ventilator 10 years before she died. She was an RN and said once you're old and on life support, you aren't going to make it anyway.

Fucking microbes.
Stay safe stay clean. I am OCD with alcohol soaked cloth in public. We take turns daily washing common surfaces with bleach dilution. Contemplating industrial respirator, possibly full face, for public exposure. No associated contact points. Deaths with in 5 miles. BE AWARE OF YOUR HANDS.