Covert newb grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Hey man been busy and havent checked in for awhile. Everything looks good though! glad you got that foil down. Ill keep checking in and seeing how this plant goes.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking up Skiskate! You and as you can see a couple other friendly people popped in to give the same ditch the tinfoil advice. Now that it is painted well I am finding the reflective abilities of it are definitely decent. Check back later since I will need you, gamblor, and msmcrgegor to help me diagnose some plant issues. I just need to let things take their course for a week or so before trying to take action.

Sunday July 20th, 2008

24 Hours

Added 30ML of nutrients to 36L / 9 Gallons of water, Nutrients are Pro Blend pure grow, using that amount because it is roughly 1/4 strength of the nutes needed for seedlings and rooting clones according to the directions. Also noted directions state that when using R/O water you need cal-mag 1 tsp per gallon.

PH / Water:
Changed reservoir water, switched to R/O water 6.50$ to fill reservoir
PH before nutes = 6.0
Ph after nutes and adjusting = 5.3


General Notes:
-Plants look like crap, at this point I am stumped if they don't pick up over the next week. All my research and reading say that I am now providing almost ideal conditions to marijuana growth if not most plants. I am going to give this new R/O water some time to hopefully work some magic, I have read other accounts of hydro systems running like trash until filled with the right water, ph balaned to 5.2-6.0, 1/4 strength nutes to start, flood schedule of appoximately 5 minutes 4 or 6 times a day. I will take pictures up close to my plants later this evening as an example of what severe nute burn, amongst other issues looks like.
-Transfered 3 seedling to hydroponic setup yesterday so far none look any worse than when in their soil.
-Placed 2 freshly germinated seeds into soil to start some roots.
-Need to get cal-mag additive


Well-Known Member
Monday July 21, 2008

24 hour

Same as above

Ph / Water:

78 / 80

General Notes:
-Took pictures of all plants. 3 clones, 5 seedlings (2 in soil, 3 in hydro setup)

-(hydro) Seedlings recently placed into hydroponic table are really taking off with growth, they had appeared to stagnate in the soil once above it. This was terrible soil scooped up with an icecream scooper from outside my ghetto apartment window.

-(soil) Seedlings, 1 of the 2 new seedlings is sprouting it first leaves and has broken ground rather quickly. Second seedling is just pushing it's shell above ground. Last night I scooped it up slightly, unpacked the dirt around it and placed it more conveniently with the tap root positioned better before lightly sprinkling some dirt over it again. (note: I have so far been watering all these seedlings anywhere between 2 and 4 times a day my soil dries rather quickly due to the ventilation and heat in the cabinet.)

-Clone 1's stem has changed colours for the worst. It is a dark black / purple / red. These are the colours it seemed to sort of hit as it changed. When checking bottom of mesh basket no visible roots are showing outside of the basket. General foliage looks to be in poor shape. I will leave this plant for another week maximum to see if it recovers, very little hope of it making it.

-Clone 2 as with clone 1 has experienced a rather disheartening change of colours in its stem. However when checking the bottom of the basket clone 2 is exhibiting a fairly healthy root network. Roots are growing outside of the basket quite a bit, I will be giving this plant a little longer than clone 1 for recovery. Still not overly optimistic for recovery due to horrible foliage and stem colours.

-Clone 3, This clone spent the least amount of time with a poor watering schedule, and poor water. Although the stem has begun to show signs of colour change there is still much more of it that is green. Clone 3 roots appears to be growing well. Roots are pushing out the bottom and new ones are forming on the top also, root network appears a little less extensive than clone2 this plant probably has the highest possibility of survival. Foliage is still green, stem is still green, and roots are growing. Some foliage is looking poor but in general plant looks alive.

All in all it seems like water and nutrients have been my biggest hurdle while starting to develop a green thumb.



Well-Known Member
Tuesday July 22, 2008

24 Hour

Same as above

Ph / Water:


General Notes:

-Hydro seedlings are doing wonderful

-Soil seedlings 1 died due to my noob growing, Other seedling is doing very well and will move over to hydro by Friday.

-Clone 1 No noticeable change good or bad, leaning towards dead plant.

-Clone 2 same as one, no improvement in stem discolouration. Probably dead.

-Clone 3 Same as yesterday looks alive but still in bad shape.

-Jumped the gun and ordered a 400W HPS + MH light + ballast. Waiting on paypal to register the money I wired to them so I can pay the seller. Light was essentially 100$ + 45 shipping would have been 125 with shipping if I lived in the states.

-Purchased 15 White widow seeds from Marijuana Seeds, Buy Cannabis Seeds Online I am really excited to receive these seeds and get rid of the clones I believe are dead. Total was 60$ with express shipping, 50$ with normal shipping, prices were substantially less than the Amsterdam & UK seed banks when taking into account the strength of the Euro vs Canadian dollar. I also really liked that it was in Canada and would hopefully arrive substantially quicker than overseas.

-Once Paypal registers the payment I will also order a PPM/TDS meter.


Well-Known Member
Thursday July 24, 2008

24 Hour

Purchased and added 15ml of liquid calcium food plant food. It had a 10-0-0 value
Purchased and added 10ml of epsom salt, magnesium sulphate



General notes:
See nutrient section


Well-Known Member
thinking about your water... there is a feller Email..
he has a wondeful grow.
check your res. temp... it should be around 68 F
you should read his room. I learned how to do my air by his old room.
very very sharp feller. At present trying to learn about water from reading him an a few others.
White Berry Hydro Grow - Marijuana Growing


Well-Known Member
Thanks again Mrsmcgregor! Watering is a bugger it seems such wildly different cycles being run successfully by so many people that I have reached the conclusion that they all work when done right. I will be reading emails grow journal I like reading all about what others are doing.

Friday July 25, 2008


No change, I purchased a TDS meter so I can actually measure the levels, waiting on delivery.

5.0 Added 1/4 cap of PH Up

Waited 10 minutes to re-test


General Notes:
-Received seed order from BCseedking, 3 day delivery
-Placed 5 seeds in moist paper towel on a plate covered by a bowl on top of the refridgerator.
-3 seedlings are doing well, 3 clones are doing badly. The one clone looks like it may live but I will soon clear them to make room for the new white widow plants. Removed Clone # 1 while inspecting noticed some good looking roots and some dead ones, it is kind of impressive how badly you can screw up and the plant will still try and live.
-Transplanted a 4th seedling to the hydroponic table.
-More pics to come once the plants are all my own seedlings :D


Well-Known Member
Saturday July 26, 2008

24 hour, 16 x 2' fluorescents, 2140 lumens each 384W total (get a real light other newbs!) although this does work!

Added 1 tsp general nutrients

Ph / water
Added 1/4 cap of ph down
half hour on 1 hour off water cycle.


General Notes:
-Checked germinating seeds no sprouts yet which I found odd. Ensured papert towel was moist and re-covered. Began germination on another 3 seeds just incase the first batch doesn't

-Clone 2 is doing wonderful I did intend on removing it shortly but it has started to grow too well. I probably could have and should have saved clone 1 and clone 3, they did have a

chance even after I almost killed them all. Still lots of time left! (to kill them all lol)
-I had 5 bag seeds of which 4 have germinated and are doing well. I varied the time of transplant from soil to hydroponics from 1 week with the first attempt to 2.5 days with the second.
I was worried about shock killing the plant or receiving nutrients before the husk completely fell off but so far it is loving life it seems.
-So exciting seeing a plant go through serious nutrient burn but recover once the issues had been resolved. After reading tons of information, receiving great advice and making some

mistakes I think I have figured out atleast the general requirements for growing seedlings and small clones. (in my setup or similar styles) There is lots left to learn but I am no longer worried about having dead or dying plants when I open my cabinet.



Well-Known Member
hey man glad to see everything is looking good! Seedlings look great. When do you plan on flowering?


Well-Known Member
Hey bud thanks for checking up on me! To be honest I am not really sure when I am going to put the garden into flowering. I am probably at least 3 weeks away from that since I am waiting on these white widow seeds to germinate. I have read good things about them though for only needing a short veg time.

The coolest thing is definitely seeing the clone come back to life and these seedlings taking off. I am glad I have been photographing them definitely neat seeing before and after pictures.


Well-Known Member
Just some pictures from today.

Checked white widow seeds only 1 on the plate seems to have germinated so far. Placed in a warmer place on top of my PC. White widow seeds that were in soil only 2 have started. I moved ungerminated seeds to the plate.



Well-Known Member
Hey bud thanks for checking up on me! To be honest I am not really sure when I am going to put the garden into flowering. I am probably at least 3 weeks away from that since I am waiting on these white widow seeds to germinate. I have read good things about them though for only needing a short veg time.

The coolest thing is definitely seeing the clone come back to life and these seedlings taking off. I am glad I have been photographing them definitely neat seeing before and after pictures.
thats what makes having your own little room really great. truly they are looking soooooooooo much more healthy and happy.
me thinks you going to get a real kick out of da widows... that is a fun
and beautiful plant to grow.


Well-Known Member
thats what makes having your own little room really great. truly they are looking soooooooooo much more healthy and happy.
me thinks you going to get a real kick out of da widows... that is a fun
and beautiful plant to grow.
Thanks Mrsmcgregor, have you grown white widow before? I only ask because I noticed that mine seemed to really stretch in comparison to my other plants when sprouting.

I am having so much fun growing I am seriously tempted to quit smoking until I have successfully pulled off a harvest, drying, and curing. We shall see I still need to mull that idea around a little bit.

Here are todays notes and new pictures of the garden.

Thursday July 31, 2008

24 hours

Since last update I have added 1 tsp of nutrients.

added 1/2 cap of PH down


General Notes:

-Clone 2 has made a full recovery, only minor damage remains on various leaves.

-Seedling 1,2, 3 are all exploding with growth. After this first grow I will not put more than one plant per pot except when doing a SOG setup.

-White widow seedlings, 7 of 10 germinated and sprouted. I messed up on atleast 2 of those seeds so more realistically 90% germination rate took place.
The white widow seedling genetically seems to grow tall very fast, almost as if stretching for light. My system has ample light there is no reason for stetching, my other seedlings

didn't stretch and are turning into bushes. I believe this is a genetic sativa trait showing in the white widow.

-Once all white widow seedlings are in the hydroponic tray I will give all plants 2 more weeks of veg growth then switch to flowering. Intending to place white widow in the hydroponic table on Sunday or Monday.

-Pictures included of all plants.

-light and TDS metere are paid for and being shipped here, once I receive the new grow light it will free up 9 fluorescents that I will use as the lighting for 2 mother plants. I am unsure at this moment if I want two white widow mothers or if I should use Clone 2 and 1 white widow for the mother plants. We shall see with my luck I have 1 female and 11 males growing , I know highly doubtful but won't know for atleast a month.

-Tomorrow I need to get new R/O water for my setup.



Well-Known Member
The one tall plant looks like it recovered quite nicely from your earlier photo's.
I'm currently on my first grow aswell, using a soil medium. I might try hydro later on down the road if I have some success with my current sprigants. Your system looks like it does its intended job quite well.


BTW I like the Lucky Bamboo in there, I've got one of those too. ^^


Well-Known Member
God damn! For a "newb" grow thats a really sleek looking grow space! I didn't catch it on my read-through, what strain are the clones? Just curious. Everything looks awesome though, dude, I'll keep checking in on this one. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
The one tall plant looks like it recovered quite nicely from your earlier photo's.
I'm currently on my first grow aswell, using a soil medium. I might try hydro later on down the road if I have some success with my current sprigants. Your system looks like it does its intended job quite well.


BTW I like the Lucky Bamboo in there, I've got one of those too. ^^
Thanks for stopping in and checking out the grow bud. Have you setup a grow journal I would love to check out your setup. Honestly my system really didn't start doing the intended job until I stumbled on what I was doing wrong. Oh well live and learn it is tons of fun now that I have passed the frustrating part of my learning curve.

subscribed :D
Thanks for coming by, you ever have any advice just chime in, everyone that stops by seems to have good advice :D

God damn! For a "newb" grow thats a really sleek looking grow space! I didn't catch it on my read-through, what strain are the clones? Just curious. Everything looks awesome though, dude, I'll keep checking in on this one. Good luck!
Hehe thanks bud, ya it is a newb grow for sure. I started with 3 clones and although in hindsight I probably could have saved all the mI just stuck with the strongest one. I really am not sure what strain it is to be honest. I know it is an actual strain since we got it from a good source. He had tons of clones and we just took 3 random ones. I believe the 3 possible choices were AK47/48 (not sure which), white shark, and afghani hash plant. I probably won't even know for atleast 4 months what the clone is since she won't get flowered. I have decided it will be a mother along with whatever white widow female appears the strongest. Thanks for stopping in bud this is probably going to just end up as a perpetual harvest journal over the next couple months.

Friday August 01, 2008

24 hours

-Today I did a reservoir change.
-Purchased 15 gallons R/O water
-Added 30ml Pro blend pro grow nutrients 3-1.5-4
-Added 20ml Liquid calcium 10-0-0
-Added 2.5 tsp epsom salt



General Notes:

-All plants are doing well today except the last seedling that was placed in the hydroponic table. It is exhibiting what I believe to be nutrient burn. I am not worried though since I did a complete water change. I did a test last night since it was showing signs of problems. I added more nutrients to the reservoir since I assumed that over 2 weeks that maybe it was now a deficiency issue since there are multiple other plants there also. This morning the signs of problems were more evident. Since it was nutrient burn once again I think it is safe to say I really need the TDS meter to arrive so I can start getting a true feel for the PPM in the tank and be able to make better decisions based on if an issue is too many nutrients or not enough.
-I will take more progress pictures once the white widow has been transfered.


Well-Known Member
I hadn't checked out the roots in awhile and decided it was time to check them and make sure there is no rot. Clone 2 has roots that really don't show up nearly as long in the picture as they really are.

