Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

I went to FP patch with some wire stands to better get the BST1 supported. No problem with that, but I found two of these sons of bitches. All I had with me was lemon water, and didn't have time to hike back to truck to get other spray. There was a small spot of PM, so I gave it a good misting after I had searched for more worms.


The Rotten Stinky Bastard [BST2 {#3 FP}] had more bud rot. I cut out a lot, above and below the rot. This sucks. I've never dealt with this much bud rot before, and I don't like it. Next week when I go, I may chop the whole thing. This strain had to have been grown indoors. It acts like it has no idea about dew. I hope the cross with the CP1's will improve that aspect of it.

I washed these buds in hot and cold water also.


Even the BST2 {#2 FP} had a couple three spots of bud rot. Mostly on lower limbs where leaves had fallen, but there was 6-8 inches of rot higher up on a limb. Again I took buds above and below the rot. I did not wash these, as there was very little neem or anything else used on this plant.

Did a half assed dusting of the young 88 with pollen from the young 88 male. Didn't have a clean bag to collect it in, so I tapped a little out on the outside of a paper bag, then shook it off on the girl. Will do better later.

Yep. I didn't take notes last year, so don't really know how long I have left. Last year I pulled early due to seven days of nonstop rain. Can't remember exactly when that was either.
sometime October I would guess eh? I dont ever keep notes as to when I pull. Thread on here is to know what I planted, dusted, & when and to see pics, oh and the main reason is to bullshit with a few like minded folks ;). I cut some lower stuff which probably wouldnt develop off my 2 flowering plants yesterday morning early and "quick dried" it on top of the tv over night. Mixed it together this morning and cut up with scissors before grinding it. Vaping it now. Dont you love how your own cannabis always is fukn good :)
The Rotten Stinky Bastard {BST2 #3FP} was looking mighty thin from removing all the rot. She also had a new round of worms, so I cut 90% of the bud. Sure hate doing it, but it was fast approaching the melting point. DSCF1418.JPG DSCF1420.JPG DSCF1425.JPG
T-Pig is 33 - 1 = 32
Hurricane Head {BST1 FP}. Pretty bad when the 'good' one is flat of her back. No sign of worms or PM. I sprayed it again with the lemon water. {and food and water to all three in the FP patch}

I'm back, with a new name. Can't remember everything that happened the last couple of weeks, but I'm still clipping off the BST2 #2 in the FP patch {Peach} trying to stay ahead of the bud rot. Saw a couple of worms about a week ago.
I killed the CPDA male in ALe patch. Used some of the pollen on the two CPDA girls there.

One of the CP1's in ALw has the same thing as Deer Ate CP1 had, but not as bad. I have clipped bud off it twice now. It sure is good to be smoking my stuff again.
And a little of the BST2 FP#1 pollen did take on the CP1's in ALw and KPe patches. A few seeds are forming. There is still one CP1 in ALw that is yet to be dusted. Might use the CPDA on her.
Also dusted the BP in the SOL patch and the older 88 in Slo patch with CPDA pollen.

The 88 male in the Slo patch turned out to be a hermie. There is one more hermie somewhere, but right now I can't remember where.