Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

Yesterday I made a dry run to 3DT, SEE, JP and DDW patches. I carried in a bag of CP1 #2 pollen and dusted the lower limbs on one plant in the JP patch. {I forget the stain, but will look it up shortly} The other plants were just starting and not ready for the pollen.

I cut the shoots, then killed the male in SEE. {I will look back soon and see what that is} I field stripped the leaves from this plant. Much quicker and no worry about stray leaves in my camp.

I cut the shoots from the GV1 Male #2 in 3DT and dusted one of the girls with it. I left this plant to grow more shoots. I killed GV1 Male #1, but saved the pollen. {BIL says he wanted pollen from the tallest males. He is going to breed it with his tallest girls. Growing in taller trees like he is doing, you need them to reach on up there for the sun} Also stripped the leaves from this male. I brought about a gallon of dried leaves to my buddy today. Lots more drying now.

Had a good thunderstorm a couple three hours after I dusted the pollen. Can't ask for better timing than that.

T-Pig is 49 - 2 = 47
So much for my memory. The JP and SEE patches are GV1's. So the girl above is GV1 hit with CP1 {BP#2} pollen. And the male I killed and saved the pollen from in the SEE patch is also GV1. But since he was the only plant in that patch, he might become known as SEE in any breeding I do with him.

The plants in 3DT are CP1's. So the girl I hit there is CP1 X CP1 {3DT#2} I killed and saved the pollen from CP1 {3DT#1}.

The single deer supercropped plant in DDW is a GV2.

Understand? Ha. At least I have it down here now.
So much for my memory. The JP and SEE patches are GV1's. So the girl above is GV1 hit with CP1 {BP#2} pollen. And the male I killed and saved the pollen from in the SEE patch is also GV1. But since he was the only plant in that patch, he might become known as SEE in any breeding I do with him.

The plants in 3DT are CP1's. So the girl I hit there is CP1 X CP1 {3DT#2} I killed and saved the pollen from CP1 {3DT#1}.

The single deer supercropped plant in DDW is a GV2.

Understand? Ha. At least I have it down here now.
my head really hurts larry.
im blaming you if I forget who I am cos my brain is cooked
crystal clear...
I've never understood your labelling system lol all looks good though brother!
my head really hurts larry.
im blaming you if I forget who I am cos my brain is cooked
Last year I had patches named CP {chicken pen}, BP {berry patch}, SOL {originally called Solo because it only had one plant. But it had so few seeds, I started calling it Shit Out of Luck}, GV {grape vine} and Slo {there is a sloe tree in the middle of the patch that was bent over from a big oak coming down}. I named the plants from tallest to shortest, thus CP1 was the tallest plant in the CP patch.

All 12 of my girls last year were from the F1 seeds I got from my BIL. He calls the cross Jack Carlos Cross, from the two growers involved. Once I smoked some of it, I started calling it Sidetracked:

I do need to think up some catchy names. The CP1, CPDA and BP were the best smoke last year. so I'm doing more with them. But I'm also doing some of most of the rest too, just in case there is a winner in there somewhere.
I had to tag along with the wife's cousins most of the day yesterday, but they do sleep in. So I got out early and checked on the FP patch. BST1 and BST2 #3 were both wrapped up with worms. I picked a shit ton of them off, then sprayed with Neem. The buds on these strains are closer together than my strain, so finding the little sons of bitches isn't easy. I didn't have the camera with me, but here is a few buds that I felt were so bad I should pick them. {this is several hours later} The seeds are full size already, but far from mature. This might become a race to see if the seeds will mature.
After a few hours of wasting time with the cousins, I was able break free long enough to run over to checked on the Deer Ate CP1. I didn't give it any food or water. While it is still dying, it is doing it slow. I planned on dusting it with CP1 {#2BP} pollen, but we had a rain shower come through before I had time to do it.


Some of the inside limbs are dying too.


But from the other side, it still looks good. I do want to get some pollen on her. The problem was my fault, not something from the genetics, so I do want make seeds from her if possible.

I used some of the CP1 {#2BP} pollen on the young CP1. . . . .


. . . . . even though she isn't very far into flower.


Also hit the Slo2 again. I had dusted her before, but figured more seeds is more better. She is a little further along.


One of the buds was wrapped up with some sort of web, so I clipped it.


A few minutes after I dusted the two plants, there was a big down pour, so I doubt the pollen had time to take.
I did take some pictures, but I'm in a rush, so I'll load them later.

Yesterday I hiked in to the AL patches. I heard through the grapevine my cousin had got her husband to walk their land to see if I was growing on it. I'm not, but if they stray very far off their land, they might find mine. When I drive back there I have to go by their house. In the spring they were staying in south Florida most of the time, with an occasional weekend up here. Now they are staying here most of the time, with an occasional weekend down there. I planted some fruit trees back there so I would have an excuse, but they are still suspicious.

In ALe trimmed the shoots of the CPDA male, then found one more CPDA male in the double hole. I like the looks of it better, so that is the one I'll be using. In ALw I killed on CP1 male, then dusted 3 of the 4 remaining CP1's with BST2 {#1FP} pollen.

T-Pig is 47 - 1 = 46
Went by the KP patches the same day. Dusted the two CP1's and 1 Slo2{I think} in KPe with BST2 {#1FP} pollen. Found and killed a Slo2 male in KPw.

T-Pig is 46 - 1 = 45
Also went by and looked at Deer Ate CP1. It is still dying, but doing it slowly. It may make it to finish.

Took food and water to the GV1 and GV2 in the GB patch. Both doing well.
This morning went to SOL, GV and Sol patches with food and water. The 88 {F1} in the GV patch grew a few balls. It is far enough away from the other patches I will let it go. Hermies is not what I wanted see though.

The storm broke a limb on one of the young 88's in the Slo patch. I propped it back up and it will be alright. I'm about 90% sure this is a male anyway. I was wanting an 88 male, and this one is a nice one.