Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

Was getting an early start this morning, planning on packing in four gallons of water to the GN patch. This involves driving the filled pack a ways down the road, tending some flowers planted there, and sneaking the pack across the road when there isn't a car coming. I like to do the drop off just before dark or just after daylight. Got outside and heard the chopper. He never got close, but I waited {30-45 minutes} until the sound was gone before I headed out. Decided to just do a dry run.

I trimmed off all the shoots on the BST2 male and killed him. Used a little of the pollen on two of the girls, just to make sure. I barely dusted them last week. It rained about five hours later, so any extra is washed off.


I retrieved my 'name' cord to use again. 2 knots in this patch means it's a BST2.

I'm happy with both of these strains. This is from the smoke I bought in March and April of this year. Nice shape, but not much size. This is the hardest patch to get to with water. The same two strains in the FP patch are 2-3 times as big. Food and water. But I did say coming into the season I wanted to find out which would thrive on neglect. These are exactly not thriving, but they are alive. If we get an inch of rain a week the rest of the way, I bet they will do alright. And since there is only three plants there now, four gallons of water will go further.

{Something happened in connection with this patch about a month ago. Will have to wait to see what, if any, land use changes might come from it}
Wednesday morning I got back to the PH patch. This GV2 is my first Sidetracked: male. Not much to look at, but I was glad to see him. {later on I found one GV1 and two CP1 males that look much better, so he will be killed as soon as I get back down there}

We had a pretty good thunderstorm come through on Tuesday. It broke the stalk of this GV1 {in the HR patch} halfway though. I propped it up and packed dirt around it. Hoping for the best.

Dry run to the KP patches. This Slo2 is starting. Most of these plants are on the small side. Didn't get the food and water needed. Plus they could have used more sun.

That was a long ass day checking on all those patches. I hope to feed once a week now they are in bloom, but damn it isn't going to be easy. As a matter of fact, it was after dark when I got to the GB and Lost and Found Slo2. Luckily there was a moon.

On Thursday I went to the 3DT, JP, SEE and DDW patches with half water, double food. This L shaped limb is my resting place before crossing into Indian Territory. Just right for a short sit down.


All of these are starting to twist now. This is the SEE patch {can't remember strain off the top of my head}.

Friday I went to the FP patch. This is the male BST2 after another haircut. You can see one of the other BST2's in the background.


The clippings. I'll do this one more time, then chop chop.
