Couple shots of my Blood Pythons

captain crunch

Well-Known Member
lovely looking snakes man, are they hard to keep? id quite like one
Blood Pythons aren't difficult to keep at all. Very big appetites, basic caging requirements, the biggest thing with bloods is the keeper being experienced. These are heavy bodied snakes, and most females are in the 5-6 foot range and around 15-20 lbs. They are very rewarding snakes to work with. I'd never recommend one as a first snake though.


Well-Known Member
I love snakes!!!!

They're much more gentle than most give
them credit for....

they usually don't do much but wrap around
your arm anyhow...

but I love holding them....



Well-Known Member
This snake is nothing like your snakes, but I chilled with this sweet common garter snake..

My buddy doesn't like to hold snakes...
