Couple questions i have about flowering.


Well-Known Member
So this would be my first time flowering a plant outdoors and i do have a few questions. Ive looked through some threads to find my answers but the search function is kinda funky.

I have been using Alaska's fish emulsion for nutes for the vegetating which is 9-4-4. now im going to switch over to my flowering nutes which is akaskas morbloom. NPK is 0-10-10 but ive been told not to cut out the N completely. So i have some citrus and advacado food which is 13-6-6 and is in the form of little granules you put on top of the soil and they slowly desolve into the soil with every watering. Would this be too strong to use during flowering? It also has a Sulfur content of 16%

Also my plants are now getting past the preflowering phase and now JUST starting to bud. Should i wait to start feeding them their flowering nutes? should i feed them one more time their vegging nutes?


Well-Known Member
If you're starting to see buds form you should switch to the 0-10-10, but make sure to supplement with some N if you can. Could be from coffee grounds or whatever, but they will want some N when they stretch.