Couple newb questions


Well-Known Member
I have posted 2 photos one has little ?burned? tips to the new growth yellowing I should say not sure if that’s normal looking or it is yellowing. The other photo is a photo of like the bottom leaves wondering if that is just them hanging because they are heavy or they are dropping for a reason.

final question, I’m having a hard time controlling my humidity, I recently had too much moisture and saw the little white fungus to start to grow on top of the soil so I quickly made adjustments to lower the moisture in the tent. With that said now I have the carbon filter running in there and I can’t get above 45 humidity because the carbon filter is too strong it just sucks all the air out even on the level 1 setting. They are clearly past the point they need the most humidity is 45 really too low? I also haven’t watered yet so I’m kind of thinking it should raise it atleast a littleonce I water.

Thank you all



Well-Known Member
The white fungus on top of soil would is a good sign. With them fabric pots I'd imagine your humidity will rise after watering.


Well-Known Member
I was told its a good sign, I believe its mycelium. Any time I cook my soil or mulch I get a layer of this on top of soil or under mulch. I believe the whole point in the no till world is to not break up or damage the mycelium.

420 Garden

Well-Known Member
You are looking good. If you feel 50 to 55 is better humidity, set a water bowl in or let the tent open (vent/zipper) let the inline pull more air if it's on the lowest setting.


Active Member
I’m currently growing Northern Lights feminized (bulk/white label seeds from North Atlantic Seed Company). I had that same interveinal yellowing (see photo) in early veg. I diagnosed it as a magnesium deficiency and treated it with epsom salt foliar spray (1 tsp per gallon). I sprayed twice, one week apart at lights-out, and It cleared it up. Not certain that’s what is going on with your plant, but that symptom looks very similar. 92C36E19-ACE7-4500-93BC-B7A6D48E5156.jpeg


Well-Known Member
But maybe not, I plan to start feeding foliage pro which has mag in it should be enough ?