Couple new grower Q’s

Hello everyone ive started growing now that it’s legal. I bought a cloned Train Wreck feb 02 and started some seeds. Alls been going good so far but the Train Wreck has produced kolas and lil hairs coming out of some. So was wondering if I should put it in 12/12 because it has kolas? Its about 11”-12” tall and is fairly bushy, it has grown a lot of veg sense I got it.

The other Q I have is about cloning, I trimmed the bottom 2 branches off because they were about 1.5 inches from coco coir so I dipped in clonex, branches were 3 and 4 inches long, they wilted some but they look like they’re coming back one faster than the other. When u r cloning do they usually wilt? Don’t remember the last one I cloned wilting but it’s been 20 yrs. I put the Train Wreck in the south window at my moms house cuz we have 12 hrs and 40 min of dark at the moment.

Thanks I’m advance for any advice!!


Not sure how old the clone was when purchased but had about half a pencil sized main stem, about 3-4” tall and leaves had tricomes (spellcheck). Went back and asked them and they didn’t know much about age. Had in 24/0 light (for heat cuz it’s been stupid cold lately) for 3 weeks. I took trainwreck clone to my moms tiny home in my back yard to transition to 12/12. I bought the Train Wreck clone Feb 2nd. It gets sun all day with some shade and she doesn’t turn lights out til 10-11am so it’s getting less than 12 hrs dark. Sorry if rambling.

Seeds I started were from bags purchased off the street (illegal) so all I know about them is a buddy gave them to me mixed up and said these r Incredible Hulk, green crack, white widow blah blah u get it I’m sure. Seeds popped out Feb 11th and looking good so far. The Train Wreck clones r stuff now but just look sad. Forgot to get pics of clones for grow diary but will get some quickly and post.
Thanks for the reply!


Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
When people refer to colas, they are meaning actual buds that have developed on dominant, larger sized branches. You don't have colas yet, but you're half way there!! :) Anywho, the decision to flip lighting to 12/12 is going to be determined by how big you want your plant to be, as well as how quickly you want to harvest. The sooner you flip the lighting is the smaller the overall yield capabilities will be because the plant will have less leaves to produce energy, as well as having a smaller structure to support bud mass with (though you can definitely help support the plant yourself via support stakes, yo-yo's, and training). As for the cloning. Yes, it is normal to see some immediate droopiness/sagginess, but they will bounce back and begin to perk back up as they begin to uptake water and resume normal processes. There are a lot of things you can do to boost success rates for clones. One is spraying them very frequently to allow them to absorb water via their leaves, and allowing a high relative humidity so that the plant doesn't get as much water leeched out of it's leaves through the lower humidity surrounding the leaves. Hope I could help some :)
The clones r stiff and turning top leaves toward light. What do u think I did to make them wilt? They took a fifty foot trip across backyard, maybe it was to cold...

How do u know when to 12/12 ur plants? Or is it a preference thing?

I must not have hit the “post” button on this, wrote it yesterday


When people refer to colas, they are meaning actual buds that have developed on dominant, larger sized branches. You don't have colas yet, but you're half way there!! :) Anywho, the decision to flip lighting to 12/12 is going to be determined by how big you want your plant to be, as well as how quickly you want to harvest. The sooner you flip the lighting is the smaller the overall yield capabilities will be because the plant will have less leaves to produce energy, as well as having a smaller structure to support bud mass with (though you can definitely help support the plant yourself via support stakes, yo-yo's, and training). As for the cloning. Yes, it is normal to see some immediate droopiness/sagginess, but they will bounce back and begin to perk back up as they begin to uptake water and resume normal processes. There are a lot of things you can do to boost success rates for clones. One is spraying them very frequently to allow them to absorb water via their leaves, and allowing a high relative humidity so that the plant doesn't get as much water leeched out of it's leaves through the lower humidity surrounding the leaves. Hope I could help some :)
Yes thank you!! That’s exactly what I was looking for, I have a basic (high school) knowledge of how most plants work and grow vegetables in the summer but it’s the technique’s u guys and gals use to make the plant get the results you’re looking for is what need specific’s on Before I started reading about using coco coir I didn’t know about mag, zinc and iron if that tells u HOW basic. On the cola comment that was just the closest thing I could compare it to so was just really shootin in the dark. Please feel free to correct anything I’m talkin about. Anyway thanks again!!!
Pics for fun from this afternoon

