Couple Different issues going on, think I know but need some additional advice.


Active Member
Alright so as my girls start to grow I have noticed that a few of them are having a couple issues. I think I have an understanding of what may be going on but I am hoping you guys may be able to reaffirm that for me.

Additionally they are in FFOF soil. I realize that I planted kinda low, my bad! Using Advanced Nutrients but these have not had anything but voodoo juice and B-52, starting the A and B today and Thursday respectively.

The pics are listed below.

Here is what I am thinking:

Pic 1: Leaves Curling and bending. Maybe too much Nitro, but honestly have only fed with B-52 so far. Was about to begin nutes this week.

Pic 2: I am thinking potassium from what I have seen and read, this looks like that in the early stages. Have not fed nutes yet but obviously need to start.

Pic 3: Very Minor nitro deficiency again no nutes yet other than B-52.

Pic 4: This to me with the ends of the leaves bending maybe over watering? Again only B-52 vitamins. Feeding today.

Thanks for any help you can provide.



Active Member
I am using ocean forest. I have not even fed anything besides b52 which is vitamins and voodoo juice which is a root enhancer...


Active Member
I suppose I should also add that these are all under a batboy t5 8 bulb fixture. Temps in room never get above 82f and my Rh is about 40%


Well-Known Member
Nothing to worry about. Watch the over watering. Just water for a couple of waterings and they will be fine.

Other than the slight burn the rest are to be expected from seedlings trying to find their way in the world.

Many new growers will see these signs and in their attempt to try and make their plants look like the photoshopped plants on the front of grow mags, they will do more damage to the seedlings trying to 'fix' them.

General rules of thumb are:
- do not over water, allow the pot to dry and just before plants begin to wilt, water thoroughly.
- do not over feed, what the PPMs even when using root stims
- try not to unecessarily shock your plants by playing with light cycles, or trimming leaves to make it look better. The less shocks the faster the plants will grow.


Active Member
thanks jonus appreciate the time looking at the thread. The only pic that REALLY concerns me is pic 2 where the leaves are browning. Just yesterday they were green and they got that brown in basically a day. The strain is blue widow, not that it matters that much for this issue. Anyhow thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Its just nute burn which will right itself once you let the pot dry, then thoroughly water with straight water, then let it go dry again, and probably one more straight water. Time is on your side because you are growing in soil so no need to take drastic measures as one would when growing using hydroponics.

In the future always make sure the pot goes dry before watering again and make sure you do not over do it with fertilizers and additives. The ppms do mater even in soil.

Some strains are also quite sensitive to ppms while others can handle it. In soil it is always best to under fertilize keeping the ppms on the safe side rather than trying to push it. Let the plants grow by themselves and feed as little as possible until you see the plants begin to take off then you can increase the feed strength to match.


Active Member
Nothing to worry about. Watch the over watering. Just water for a couple of waterings and they will be fine.

Other than the slight burn the rest are to be expected from seedlings trying to find their way in the world.

Many new growers will see these signs and in their attempt to try and make their plants look like the photoshopped plants on the front of grow mags, they will do more damage to the seedlings trying to 'fix' them.

General rules of thumb are:
- do not over water, allow the pot to dry and just before plants begin to wilt, water thoroughly.
- do not over feed, what the PPMs even when using root stims
- try not to unecessarily shock your plants by playing with light cycles, or trimming leaves to make it look better. The less shocks the faster the plants will grow.

That is a lot of fabulous advice in one post.