Couple bong resin tips


New Member
Well I've been out of weed for a long time now. I bought some but its caught up in the mail and the post office won't look into it until 7 business days have past (tuesday) so I've found two unique ways to collect/smoke resin.

Feel free to post if you have your own unique ways.

First one I found out is to collect the resin inside the bong, down around the stem and inside the bulging part where the water sits.

Take a metal coat hanger, cut it so its a little easier to handle, then bend it in a half cirlce shape on one end. You have to get the shape just right, but with a little force you can shove it down past the narrow part of the shaft and into the bulging water part. Then just angle it and scrape the inside. You'll notice this resin is really potent stuff.

Next, I got this idea from vaporizers, I take a mini jet torch, mine was $14 and takes butane in a lighter shaped cartridge. Hold the flame up to the stem of your bong and about 5-10 seconds later suck on the bong slightly. Smoke should come out. Just smoke away. You can do this on any part of the bong bowl/stem. You can do this with a normal bic lighter too but I find it gets really hot on your thumb and it takes a LOT longer to produce smoke.

You can also take a pipe, put the mouth part into the downstem and heat the underside of the pipe to produce smoke.

Anyone got any other ideas?


Active Member
Won't really help you but its a tip of sorts, when I used to smoke resin, that's why I always preferred disposable bongs and buckets, because you can just cut them open and get it out with a teaspoon, or a skewer to get it out of the pipe and I have known people that smoke their bongs dry and do this.

These days I wash it all down the sink, haven't smoked resin in 5+yrs but never say never, we don't all have dispensaries around the corner and sometimes shortages happen. But this is a growing site so I guess most wouldn't have to resort to it.

I should add though that I use an electric grinder and every few weeks I scrape all the sticky powder out of her


Well-Known Member
I'm having memories of high school, all of us cleaning our pipes and smearing it on a cig and passing it around. Too funny. Yuck!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i was about a 4hrs away from smokin a fat tar ball after no buds for 2 days. my buddy saved me with some afgoo. the res ball sits just incase. this could be a long week


Well-Known Member
When I run out I collect all of my mason jars that I use for curing my buds, open them all up and place them on a table. Take one of them an pour some rubbing alcohol into it & put the lid back on the jar and swish it around for about a min or so. Then open it up and pour the alcohol from the first jar into the second jar & repeat until you've gone through all of the jars, then dump it into a glass dish & let the alcohol evaporate. Scrape up the remaining Goo and smoke away.