Country Sub Forums In General Section


Active Member
What are the chances of getting sub forums for different countries?

I know there is the UK growers thread 2100 pages long and the Aussie growers thread which is 1100+ long, but the Aussie Growers thread tends to get the same sort of posts from newbs because they can't be bothered sifting through 1100 + pages to find country specific information (and this annoys people and leads to arguments), and then they barely even post in there and fragment off to various other sites


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you want a place to congregate, and not necessarily answer newbie questions. You might consider using a Group set up for that. Use the pull-down menu called Community.



Well-Known Member
I have added 3 forums to the MMJ Patients, there are now Aussie Patients, Canadian Patients, and British Patients.

Thanks for playing :mrgreen: