Could You Survive A Zombie Outbreak?

pHH, weak...slow zombies aint shit!!! i am the master of survival, and when i mean master, then i am a fucking master...No rage filled sprinter zombie aint going to catch me..i will be in my underground vault, with supplies that can last me and 2 other ppl for 1 year...also would have some plants moved in there as well..and when supplies run low, i would go out, cas most of the fuckers would have died anyway! Easy, anyone can do it if they have underground motherfucking vault !
I would get a jetpack, some ak's and fuck them up. Also, anyone see the show survivors? It's semi-entertaining. Kind of close to the end of the human race genre.
C'mon guys, let's look at a zombie outbreak logically. Zombies are unable to feel pain, so they are more prone to accidental injury, thus slowing them down considerably. Zombies are also dead, so tissue regeneration is unable to continue and is replaced by tissue decay. Temperature regulation falls by the wayside, so unless it is fall or spring the zombies will either freeze overnight or get eaten by maggots in a week. If the weather is pleasant enough to keep them around for a couple of weeks, you then have to think about all of the dogs that are outside. Sure, they may not mess with the zombies at first, but as soon as they figure out there are walking meals that only go after humans, the zombie population will get smaller than the list of practicing Scientologist. So surviving the zombie outbreak becomes less a matter of raiding the local gun shop and Wal-Mart and more a matter of being able to "beat" Gran Turismo 5. And during the month this happens, I'm pretty sure I could put a hatch on my roof so I could climb up and pop a few rounds into zombies that look like celebrities.
C'mon guys, let's look at a zombie outbreak logically. Zombies are unable to feel pain, so they are more prone to accidental injury, thus slowing them down considerably. Zombies are also dead, so tissue regeneration is unable to continue and is replaced by tissue decay. Temperature regulation falls by the wayside, so unless it is fall or spring the zombies will either freeze overnight or get eaten by maggots in a week. If the weather is pleasant enough to keep them around for a couple of weeks, you then have to think about all of the dogs that are outside. Sure, they may not mess with the zombies at first, but as soon as they figure out there are walking meals that only go after humans, the zombie population will get smaller than the list of practicing Scientologist. So surviving the zombie outbreak becomes less a matter of raiding the local gun shop and Wal-Mart and more a matter of being able to "beat" Gran Turismo 5. And during the month this happens, I'm pretty sure I could put a hatch on my roof so I could climb up and pop a few rounds into zombies that look like celebrities.
We do have the fact that not all of them would have turned at the same time, maybe keeping it going for 2 maybe 3 months :twisted:
cool thread i had one kinda like it too way back in the day on riu.
check out these converted missile silos. i wanna get one one day cuz they are converted bunkers turned into livable spaces. i have plenty of guns so i need one of these places.


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We do have the fact that not all of them would have turned at the same time, maybe keeping it going for 2 maybe 3 months :twisted:

Just like anything else sweeping the nation, the biggest jump will be in the first week when no one (besides us, of course) knows what is going on and makes themselves available as zombie bait. Just like the documentary Zombieland pointed out, the stupide and the less mobile in society will be the ones afflicted the worst so evasion gets to be like masturbation- exciting at first but eventually pretty boring. So what you are left with is a zombie race of stupid, fat, and/or disabled people- not exactly an intimidating prospect considering I deal with this every time I shop at Wal-Mart. After the first week, the next "converters" will be the group dumbass of these Zombie Killing Patrols; granted, they are more physically able than the regular zombies, but hopefully the other members of their patrol will remember the promise they made to each other about killing each other before they turn, so 90% of those are gone. After a week the first group will rot away, followed very shortly by the people they infected, etc.

Unfortunately the nature of the zombie makes it very succeptible to failure- instead of Dawn of the Dead think Shaun of the Dead. After 3 weeks you could go outside, walk around, make noise, etc. and find that the zombies are more or less gone. There might be one or two that will come your way, but you would smell them long before they would get close, and you would be waiting with your weapon of choice.

Now, if one could create a virus or parasite that overrode the brain, overstimulated the amygdala and the adrenal glands, but kept the infected alive, you would be onto something. And if you could make this Beserker virus/parasite airborne, then we will have one hell of a zombie apocolypse to forward to. But if the infected are dead, just expect it to be a lot like winter break from your school days- sitting inside, playing video games, and waiting for things to clear up outside.
Just like anything else sweeping the nation, the biggest jump will be in the first week when no one (besides us, of course) knows what is going on and makes themselves available as zombie bait. Just like the documentary Zombieland pointed out, the stupide and the less mobile in society will be the ones afflicted the worst so evasion gets to be like masturbation- exciting at first but eventually pretty boring. So what you are left with is a zombie race of stupid, fat, and/or disabled people- not exactly an intimidating prospect considering I deal with this every time I shop at Wal-Mart. After the first week, the next "converters" will be the group dumbass of these Zombie Killing Patrols; granted, they are more physically able than the regular zombies, but hopefully the other members of their patrol will remember the promise they made to each other about killing each other before they turn, so 90% of those are gone. After a week the first group will rot away, followed very shortly by the people they infected, etc.

Unfortunately the nature of the zombie makes it very succeptible to failure- instead of Dawn of the Dead think Shaun of the Dead. After 3 weeks you could go outside, walk around, make noise, etc. and find that the zombies are more or less gone. There might be one or two that will come your way, but you would smell them long before they would get close, and you would be waiting with your weapon of choice.

Now, if one could create a virus or parasite that overrode the brain, overstimulated the amygdala and the adrenal glands, but kept the infected alive, you would be onto something. And if you could make this Beserker virus/parasite airborne, then we will have one hell of a zombie apocolypse to forward to. But if the infected are dead, just expect it to be a lot like winter break from your school days- sitting inside, playing video games, and waiting for things to clear up outside.

One factor you left out, that could be the turning point, children. Its not hard to find a kid in shape, and especially if mommy or daddy has already turned (ie, they were the fatties, then for at least a couple of weeks you have a fast ass little demonic zombie that the Z Patrols might not be as willing to kill as an adult... "what if they can be saved?! its just a little girl!" :twisted: I'm enjoying this thread way to much...they're is definitely something wrong with me...
Already got one, closest thing I have to a brother and one of the few I would trust implicitly in a survival situation. †L† Of course I'd have to drive 3 hrs to get to him, but fuck it. bring it on :fire:
One factor you left out, that could be the turning point, children. Its not hard to find a kid in shape, and especially if mommy or daddy has already turned (ie, they were the fatties, then for at least a couple of weeks you have a fast ass little demonic zombie that the Z Patrols might not be as willing to kill as an adult... "what if they can be saved?! its just a little girl!" :twisted: I'm enjoying this thread way to much...they're is definitely something wrong with me...

Kids are pretty slow man. Seriously, go find the fastest kid at the local elementary school and challenge them to a footrace- you will win. They might be the quickest in the class, but their legs only have half the pace (at most) of a normal adult. The only difficulty you will have is figuring out that you don't have to lead them as much, and that will only take a couple of shots for the worst marksman. You also have to look at body size- a zombie bites an adult and he doesn't remove that much mass from the adult, but with a child that same bite takes away a higher percentage of the body mass, and a higher probability that it has damaged a vital locomotion component. I'm sure I don't have to mention that one bite won't immediately turn the victim, and since zombies travel in packs there might not even be enough left to make a decent zombie if they aren't a certain size. Think about it like this- have you ever seen anyone leave leftover veal on a plate? But on to your last point- if you have someone on Z patrol that isn't willing to terminate a target, you need a better selection process for your Z Patrol. In fact, to join my Z Patrol you have to have killed a family memeber . . . but whether or not it was before the outbreak wouldn't affect membership status. Bullshitting aside, if I'm on a crew and someone says that shit, they are then labeled as Zombie Bait and I take the shot. If they bitch about it, they are reclassified as Zombie Bait and to be used when deemed appropriate.

Note to Mods- This is in no way condoning any harm towards children- they are our future. Unless they are zombies. Then they are our targets.
Kids are pretty slow man. Seriously, go find the fastest kid at the local elementary school and challenge them to a footrace- you will win. They might be the quickest in the class, but their legs only have half the pace (at most) of a normal adult. The only difficulty you will have is figuring out that you don't have to lead them as much, and that will only take a couple of shots for the worst marksman. You also have to look at body size- a zombie bites an adult and he doesn't remove that much mass from the adult, but with a child that same bite takes away a higher percentage of the body mass, and a higher probability that it has damaged a vital locomotion component. I'm sure I don't have to mention that one bite won't immediately turn the victim, and since zombies travel in packs there might not even be enough left to make a decent zombie if they aren't a certain size. Think about it like this- have you ever seen anyone leave leftover veal on a plate? But on to your last point- if you have someone on Z patrol that isn't willing to terminate a target, you need a better selection process for your Z Patrol. In fact, to join my Z Patrol you have to have killed a family memeber . . . but whether or not it was before the outbreak wouldn't affect membership status. Bullshitting aside, if I'm on a crew and someone says that shit, they are then labeled as Zombie Bait and I take the shot. If they bitch about it, they are reclassified as Zombie Bait and to be used when deemed appropriate.

Note to Mods- This is in no way condoning any harm towards children- they are our future. Unless they are zombies. Then they are our targets.
Roflmao!!! Dude that's fucking great stuff!:clap:
Kids are pretty slow man. Seriously, go find the fastest kid at the local elementary school and challenge them to a footrace- you will win. They might be the quickest in the class, but their legs only have half the pace (at most) of a normal adult. The only difficulty you will have is figuring out that you don't have to lead them as much, and that will only take a couple of shots for the worst marksman. You also have to look at body size- a zombie bites an adult and he doesn't remove that much mass from the adult, but with a child that same bite takes away a higher percentage of the body mass, and a higher probability that it has damaged a vital locomotion component. I'm sure I don't have to mention that one bite won't immediately turn the victim, and since zombies travel in packs there might not even be enough left to make a decent zombie if they aren't a certain size. Think about it like this- have you ever seen anyone leave leftover veal on a plate? But on to your last point- if you have someone on Z patrol that isn't willing to terminate a target, you need a better selection process for your Z Patrol. In fact, to join my Z Patrol you have to have killed a family memeber . . . but whether or not it was before the outbreak wouldn't affect membership status. Bullshitting aside, if I'm on a crew and someone says that shit, they are then labeled as Zombie Bait and I take the shot. If they bitch about it, they are reclassified as Zombie Bait and to be used when deemed appropriate.

Note to Mods- This is in no way condoning any harm towards children- they are our future. Unless they are zombies. Then they are our targets.

†LhFAO† I can barely stop laughing long enough to type this response!!! OMG that was great shit...all of you are a great comfort to me knowing they're are others just as fucked up and twisted...the plight of the human race looks alot brighter... :twisted:
That note to the mods is going in my sig....
†LOL† Now that I can breath....Just like I have an ideal partner, I have a few ideal pieces of zombie bait....Not to mention we could definitely work together, the only reason I havn't wiped out my family is jail time, give me a zombie apoc, I killed them 'cause they were zombies. They weren't?! I was sure they had been bitten...As far as my little girl, daddy already planned on teaching her to shoot, and I've raised her to know the danger of the zombie hordes... :twisted: these 10 pages we've all shown that we've put way to much thought into this, and for most of us long before this thread gave us the chance to bounce our theories off each other. I fucking love rui... :fire:
they wouldnt survive too many natural preditors like maggots, animals, sun, extreme cold ,
Lol- Thank you for the honor of letting my demented comment occupy your signature. I'm sure it will come back to haunt me, but I am flattered. I think I was channeling Al Bundy, but I can't be sure.
they wouldnt survive too many natural preditors like maggots, animals, sun, extreme cold ,
maggots don't work lightning quick, at least not to the point of total body destruction, I live in the south, so extreme cold doesn't happen often, even then we don't know that they wouldn't survive it because they would already be dead, they may just lock up till they thaw...though after they do thaw the decomp will prob accelerate, and animals aren't as brave as you think, we don't have many bears running through the city, and I scare of dogs now, I'm only 5'4. The sun will make them stink and bloated, and will speed up the process, but not necessarily quick enough to keep them from spreading it...
Lol- Thank you for the honor of letting my demented comment occupy your signature. I'm sure it will come back to haunt me, but I am flattered. I think I was channeling Al Bundy, but I can't be sure.
†L† An honour you've earned brother, I wanna hook up with your crew if that shit goes down!