could you marry a girl thats been with 25 or more dudes?


Well-Known Member
Can't we all just get a bong?
I'll smoke to that!!!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

And here's a song to go with it!!!

But first, an intro. TISM is a seven piece band out of Melbourne, in Australia. They are 'anonymous' in the sense that they always wore disguises on stage. For example, rubber suits (like some of you may have seen in 'bizarre' type German porn). They've also worn bunny suits on stage.
Band member 'Humphrey.B Flaubert' once said (on the subject of the pseudo-anonymity):
The answer that makes me sound good is that we desired to circumvent the cult of personality that is inherent in rock music by choosing to remain anonymous. Unlike every other band in rock we chose to be anonymous. The answer that makes me sound good would probably also incorporate some lengthy discussion about Brechtian alienation techniques, about our post modernist grasp of ever cooling universe, and a dehumanizing society encapsulated in the somewhat paramilitary aspect of our clothing. All of those things would make me sound good, but actually we’re really boring guys."
They tend to take the piss out of everything and made a few enemies when they released 'All Homeboys Are Dickheads' (see lyrics below YouTube video). They also raised eyebrows with '(He'll never be an) Old Man River'. A song based on the death of River Phoenix outside the Viper Room(?) and also makes reference to the death of Bon Scott from AC/DC.

If you don't know of them, check them out.

Torrents available here

This is the YouTube link to 'Everybody's Getting More Sex Than Me', but there are better versions here.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

I couldn't find a decent link to this track, so here's the lyrics to 'All Homeboys Are Dickheads':

I know his dad's abusive
And his mum prefers the daughter;
I know he's got an attention
Deficiency disorder;
He is culturally excluded
And genetically inbred:
But the reason he's a homeboy
Is because he's a dickhead.

We all support empowerment
And positive discrimination
When your class, your race, your age, your face
Determine your social station;
A baseball cap and a love of rap
Might need sympathy - yet, still,
Possibly a homeboy could be
A dickhead pure and simple.

"Know your enemy well enough
And you will pity them instead" -
In The Brothers Karamazov
That's what Dostoyevsky said;
And pity soon will turn to love
Is what Jesus Christ once knew:
They both changed their minds the day when
They met a homeboy crew.


Well-Known Member
my old college chick of 5 months told me i was number 27...i felt so "ewwww"...and i asked so i recieved an honest answer...needless to say it was too much for a young mind to handle...and she was a crazy bitch...if you havent heard it i suggest you all check out:

Louis Logic - Idiot Gear

you get what you ask for...and more times then not its not what your gonna wanna hear