• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Could This Fix The Economy?


Well-Known Member
If we were to pass laws outlawing abortion and we eliminated welfare programs as they now exist would it fix the economy in 20 years? It would be supply and demand, we would have an abundant supply of workers and jobs would be in demand. the larger population would also increase the tax base. It might make it so that we would be able to compete with China in the future.


Well-Known Member
You don't increase employment by first increasing poverty. The Abortion issue won't do anything to save the economy, in fact I would think that legalized abortion has many merits when it comes to economic stimulation. An abhorrent practice, but none of which is my business, its those women's bodies and they can do as they please. But its also my pocketbook so don't expect me to fund any of it either.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
We already have an abundant supply of workers, remember the unemployment level is around 9-10% or something right now....so your theory is to add unwanted, undereducated, undernourished and unhealthy children to the workforce that is already short on jobs.

Yeah, thats a great idea


Well-Known Member
the farmers in georgia are watching their crops rot in the field ever since they passed a draconian immigration law, arizona style.

they took our jobs?


Well-Known Member
the farmers in georgia are watching their crops rot in the field ever since they passed a draconian immigration law, arizona style.

they took our jobs?
I do not believe their losing crops because no one is willing to work and pick them-Link please.
I'm guessing maybe the crop is not worth enough to justify paying people to pick it? Or maybe it's flood damaged? Or maybe it's worth more to the farmer as a loss?
If it is true that their unable to find workers then I think every unemployment office and welfare office should give everyone in line directions to these farms and one way bus fare their to earn some money.


Active Member
your dumb abortion is a private matter if a woman is raped and becomes pregnant she should have the choice if the mom has aids or a life threatening affliction with the baby abortion is not what will put us economically back on track we need a good idea to sell to the world and make us relevant again.


Well-Known Member
I do not believe their losing crops because no one is willing to work and pick them-Link please.

Watson said he could only hire two-thirds of the 60 workers he would have wanted to harvest squash, cucumbers and zucchini from his 300-acre farm. He blamed the state's new law targeting illegal immigrants for driving away Hispanic workers. The lack of labor forced him to leave 13 acres of squash to rot in his fields.
happy now?


Active Member
cause stem cell research is important and medical students can learn about the development of these babies.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
If we were to pass laws outlawing abortion and we eliminated welfare programs as they now exist would it fix the economy in 20 years? It would be supply and demand, we would have an abundant supply of workers and jobs would be in demand. the larger population would also increase the tax base. It might make it so that we would be able to compete with China in the future.
No. Keep in mind that all the welfare given to Americans is still less money than we give to multinational oil companies for free. Even if we included all corporate welfare in that it still wouldn't be enough. It's impossible to balance the budget without raising tax revenue. Tax revenue is artificially low due to the recession and tax cuts.

Abortion actually improves the economy. Unwanted babies lead to more social service spending. You can't deny a baby medical care and still call yourself a human being. Babies cost money.


Well-Known Member
No. Keep in mind that all the welfare given to Americans is still less money than we give to multinational oil companies for free. Even if we included all corporate welfare in that it still wouldn't be enough. It's impossible to balance the budget without raising tax revenue. Tax revenue is artificially low due to the recession and tax cuts.

Abortion actually improves the economy. Unwanted babies lead to more social service spending. You can't deny a baby medical care and still call yourself a human being. Babies cost money.
I am not trying to insinuate as does the main stream that welfare expenditure accounts for a signifacant portion of our debt or spending. I actually think we should be spending more to help the poor. my problem is with the stagnation and expectations welfare as it now exists creates. Welfare can not and should not be expected to take care of everyone, Those that do need it should get enough to live on which they currently do not and for most the program should be short and focused on getting them off of welfare. Administration costs for current govt programs is obscene and still they cut benefits.. I think were going to need working age people to compete with China and India - we need farmers and Miners.


Well-Known Member
I agree that inevitably the removal of welfare, at least to some degree, will create a stimulated economy due to motivating the bottom class to work harder. However, this is definately not the time to do that.

The argument over welfare has always been partisan. I think most agree that welfare being gone actually will create more productivity but the short term harm to the poor is what drives democrats to fight for it. The issue of welfare is I think always a good intention, different philosophy thing, but it will absolutely cause damage in the short term to get rid of it and we can't afford that right now.

The difference between Communism and a Democracy is that the people in a democracy have much more potential for production. When you feel that you have a say in your country, and you have the benefit of working harder to take home more, you are much more motivated. Our nations industrial capabilities were proven in WW2.

We need to provide more legal means for people of other countries to come work for us. If anything, it puts Americans higher in wealth class and would allow our country to build a foundation of business on the added workers. The idea of blaming illegals for taking your job is retarded. If you were truly smart you would go and hire them for cheap and start a business built up off of the work. That's free enterprise.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I am not trying to insinuate as does the main stream that welfare expenditure accounts for a signifacant portion of our debt or spending. I actually think we should be spending more to help the poor. my problem is with the stagnation and expectations welfare as it now exists creates. Welfare can not and should not be expected to take care of everyone, Those that do need it should get enough to live on which they currently do not and for most the program should be short and focused on getting them off of welfare. Administration costs for current govt programs is obscene and still they cut benefits.. I think were going to need working age people to compete with China and India - we need farmers and Miners.
I see. I misunderstood. You were talking about abortion and welfare from more of a realpolitik point of view. Interesting questions actually.

It could work, but the political climate of the country would need to change dramatically. We'd basically have to collectively change the way we all view politics. We'd have to stop thinking about what's right from a philosophical, moral, constitutional, and ideological point of view and start thinking about what's right from a results based point of view. TBH, I prefer that.

Politically we get way too caught up in process and don't give enough consideration to the results. We think that if we do what's right from our ideological point of views that we will always get the desired result. Well that simply isn't true. If we spent less time thinking about the process and more time thinking about what desired results we want, we'd be better off.

To maintain our success, we have to start being honest about what we want as a country and think about what actions get us there most quickly, with less regard to ideologies and process. That's what you're doing when you look at welfare and abortion from the economic point of view. I like it.

However without that change in mindset what you're talking about wouldn't work. The success of China and India has a lot to do with trade policy, currency manipulations, and low overhead. It's not just about an accessible labor force. If we want to compete with China and India on an industrial level we'd have to abandon the foundations of our political ideals at both ends of the spectrum. We'd have to throw out free trade as a concept all together as well as worker/environmental rights. It would require our economic system to become more totalitarian by nature as well.

Chinese currency manipulations put anything the FED does in America to shame. It's a whole different ballgame. The people in control of the Chinese currency make Alan Greenspan look like Ron Paul. It's quite successful, but requires economic totalitarianism that I don't think anyone in America would accept unless it was being done without their knowledge. However the results of that have been a phenomenal rate of economic growth.

You can't argue against the growth of the Chinese economy, I just doubt anyone here would accept the process that got them there. If we cared less about process and more about results, it's possible. I just don't see that happening.

Along with currency manipulations they impose massive tariffs on foreign goods in areas of the economy they are trying to develop for themselves insuring they have the homegrown industries that are in the best interests of their government. I very much support doing this here. But that kind of thinking would make Ron Paul or even Bill Clinton's head explode. I don't see people accepting chopping off the invisible hand of the free market.

Also, this new expanded labor force would have to be willing to accept less pay, less safe working conditions, no benefits, etc. That wouldn't go over well with a lot of people, myself included.

It's an interesting idea, and we could and should implement some of the things China and India are doing to grow their economies, but unfortunately, we won't because people here care more about the process than the results.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I agree that inevitably the removal of welfare, at least to some degree, will create a stimulated economy due to motivating the bottom class to work harder. However, this is definately not the time to do that.

The argument over welfare has always been partisan. I think most agree that welfare being gone actually will create more productivity but the short term harm to the poor is what drives democrats to fight for it. The issue of welfare is I think always a good intention, different philosophy thing, but it will absolutely cause damage in the short term to get rid of it and we can't afford that right now.
The problem is, we already did that quite successfully. It worked. We now have a much smaller welfare system than we did under Clinton. If we keep cutting it we are going to end up fucking ourselves over. The small number of people who are dead set on just living on welfare aren't going to go out and get a job if you take their welfare away from them. They are going to rob your house. Welfare is cheaper than prison + I don't like getting robbed.

Also there are some people who are physically and mentally incapable of joining the work force. Taking away their welfare is making them live under a bridge somewhere. That's already happening.

When thinking about welfare cuts, you've got to think about the results. Libertarian magic dust isn't going to make them all get a job. Eventually you've got to consider how much crime and homelessness we really want in this country.


Well-Known Member
the only way this country is gonna come out of its economic slump is to legalize marijuana and market it through the govt instead of dispensaries and to stop all the american money going into mexico each year through the drug trade thats 39 billion a year going to mexican cartels thats insane. no wonder why we are all broke cuz the mexicans have all our money over there

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
The difference between Communism and a Democracy is that the people in a democracy have much more potential for production. When you feel that you have a say in your country, and you have the benefit of working harder to take home more, you are much more motivated. Our nations industrial capabilities were proven in WW2.
Communism isn't the opposite of democracy, it's the opposite of capitalism. You're referring to capitalism, not democracy. It's entirely possible to have a communist democracy. But we don't have those anywhere for the same reason we don't have free market capitalism anywhere, it doesn't work. Once you have to consider the wishes of the people you end up with something in between communism and capitalism, not one or the other.

I think you just unknowingly made a pretty strong ideological argument for socialism being superior to capitalism. If the profit motive produces superior economic development, then why not extend that profit motive to the workers? Wouldn't workers be more efficient and produce superior products if they were getting increased profits personally based on the success of their business in the market? If a guy making cars got more money based on skill, would he make better cars more efficiently? Under capitalism he's not rewarded for that, under socialism, he is.


Well-Known Member
The problem is, we already did that quite successfully. It worked. We now have a much smaller welfare system than we did under Clinton. If we keep cutting it we are going to end up fucking ourselves over. The small number of people who are dead set on just living on welfare aren't going to go out and get a job if you take their welfare away from them. They are going to rob your house. Welfare is cheaper than prison + I don't like getting robbed.

Also there are some people who are physically and mentally incapable of joining the work force. Taking away their welfare is making them live under a bridge somewhere. That's already happening.

When thinking about welfare cuts, you've got to think about the results. Libertarian magic dust isn't going to make them all get a job. Eventually you've got to consider how much crime and homelessness we really want in this country.
I refuse to pay taxes to support someone, because they are too lazy to get a job. Even if they may rob someone to make up for it.

In fiscal year (FY) 2008, total government spending on means-tested welfare or aid to the poor amounted to $714 billion. This high level of welfare spending was the result of steady permanent growth in welfare spending over several decades rather than a short-term response to temporary economic conditions.
According to http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/glance/tables/exptyptab.cfm it costed $74 billion in 2007 for prison costs. $124 billion if you include the judicial costs. $228 billion if you include police force. Based on that information I would much rather have those actual criminal minded lazy people you speak of in jail. They deserve it. Catering to criminals is not right and it is not American.

Like I said I would never do it now if I had the power to. I would wait until a booming economy to do that. Stop calling it 'Liberitarian magic dust' like we're loonies for thinking that people need to take responsibilities for themselves. Our government is there to protect our rights and liberties, not cater to some at the cost of others.


Well-Known Member
Dan Kone said:
I think you just unknowingly made a pretty strong ideological argument for socialism being superior to capitalism. If the profit motive produces superior economic development, then why not extend that profit motive to the workers? Wouldn't workers be more efficient and produce superior products if they were getting increased profits personally based on the success of their business in the market? If a guy making cars got more money based on skill, would he make better cars more efficiently? Under capitalism he's not rewarded for that, under socialism, he is.

If you were to take from the hard work put into by those who ended up successful you would take the motivation from them. I can't remember what documentary it's from but I know that they had Reagan lecturing Obama on grade averaging in a cartoon form. It said if a class took the average grade the first couple times the grades would be high because the people who were hard workers before would still be working hard for the better grade. However, when the harder workers see that the people not applying themselves as hard as them see that they are making the same grades, they will gradually work less hard. Thus the grade average begins to fall. Example stretches accurately over to profit motivation.

Think about it like this. Why would you work your ass off to produce good weed when no matter what the government guaranteed that the dispensaries had to buy it and at a fixed guaranteed price.

By the way, I don't know why but this damn thing keeps making my shit bold when I copy paste, so ignore it.


Well-Known Member
the only way this country is gonna come out of its economic slump is to legalize marijuana and market it through the govt instead of dispensaries and to stop all the american money going into mexico each year through the drug trade thats 39 billion a year going to mexican cartels thats insane. no wonder why we are all broke cuz the mexicans have all our money over there
that wouldnt even come anywhere close to fixing the economy. but i agree it should be done. we give pakistan like 20 billion a year i think. theres a bunch of countries that we just hand money to for different reasons