Could My Subscription to High Times Magazine Get Me Busted?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

You have no idea, baby brain. It takes multiple degrees, Criminology and Psychology to make it onto even a small force these days. Very picky and lots of competition and WE choose for an ability to not simply not kill your dumbass for the good of the rest of us.

Google Connecticut Cop refused job due to I.Q. too high. I'll overlook your copsucking as a momentary lapse of judgement on your part.


Well-Known Member
What's this "we"? Just what part of this choosing do you have a part in Doer?
I guess you are a little light on self rule actualities. We have an Ops Manual for this. And those that think we are off the plan, are just falling for the ones that want us OFF the plan.

WE are self rule. We have citizen oversight, we have elected offcials that can hire and fire police chiefs. WE have recall elections, and we have Federal Consent Decreees, like in recent case of LA county.

Who is watching and who is saying WTF? WE are. So, please, if you a feeling powerlessness, that is on you. WE say.


Well-Known Member
I guess you are a little light on self rule actualities. We have an Ops Manual for this. And those that think we are off the plan, are just falling for the ones that want us OFF the plan.

WE are self rule. We have citizen oversight, we have elected offcials that can hire and fire police chiefs. WE have recall elections, and we have Federal Consent Decreees, like in recent case of LA county.

Who is watching and who is saying WTF? WE are. So, please, if you a feeling powerlessness, that is on you. WE say.
what is with the "self rule" kick?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
keep your friends close and your enemies closer:wink:

If people were separated into two groups, some would say there are "authoritarians" that want to run others lives and "anti-authoritarians" that want to leave other peaceful people alone. I'm an "anti-authoritarian". You seem to be a rationalizing anti-freedom authoritarian. In that sense we are on opposite sides. Peace.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I guess you are a little light on self rule actualities. We have an Ops Manual for this. And those that think we are off the plan, are just falling for the ones that want us OFF the plan.

WE are self rule. We have citizen oversight, we have elected offcials that can hire and fire police chiefs. WE have recall elections, and we have Federal Consent Decreees, like in recent case of LA county.

Who is watching and who is saying WTF? WE are. So, please, if you a feeling powerlessness, that is on you. WE say.

You clearly do not understand the meaning of individual consent. As far as "who" is watching? There are any number of totalitarian based agencies reading this post right now, their goals are to serve and protect themselves.

Self rule does not spring from the tyranny of majority, it's impossible.


Active Member
Foster friendships and peace and war is not necessary. Large scale war is only possible thru the aggression of taxation, and government flag waving.
Oh let's not forget religion. More wars have been fought over religion than anything else.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Oh let's not forget religion. More wars have been fought over religion than anything else.

Good point. Although some would say government has replaced religion as the primary tool used to direct people. Killing in the name of "god and country" et al.

I have no problem with people that embrace religion as long as they also embrace the non aggression principle. Government by definition has at its core the rejection of non aggression.


Active Member
We like to think we have "evolved" or become more civilized over the last few thousand years. We just have invented more reasons and ways to kill each other.


bud bootlegger
The offices of skunk magazine were raided about a week ago..
Skunk is based in Canada though, but I'd feel pretty confident in saying that if you subscribed to skunk someone in law enforcement in Canada has your name and are now on some sort of watch list..

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
We like to think we have "evolved" or become more civilized over the last few thousand years. We just have invented more reasons and ways to kill each other.

The only reason to kill anybody is in self defense and no other options exist. PEACE.


Well-Known Member
Google Connecticut Cop refused job due to I.Q. too high. I'll overlook your copsucking as a momentary lapse of judgement on your part.
I can find reports of actual sightings of yeti. So what? You live an ego driven life. You think you have it all figured out.

Just brain fear pollution. But then, you come across, someone like me, who represents the mindset of vast majority of US citizens. WE the People is only real if we read the Docs. All our laws are based on this and all are vetted through SCOTUS if anyone takes the trouble.

Yet, you say we are all confused and you have to excuse our judgment. I say bullshit. And now you call my reality details, copsucking, means you have homophobia issues.

And no link for the one non-statistically significant story that I am sure if I dug it up it would also be bullshit. And do you really think your tap dancing goes un-noticed?

You said Smart LEOS = oxymoron.


Well-Known Member
You clearly do not understand the meaning of individual consent. As far as "who" is watching? There are any number of totalitarian based agencies reading this post right now, their goals are to serve and protect themselves.

Self rule does not spring from the tyranny of majority, it's impossible.
You are a grumpy grand sophist. You only complain. Mr Bitcher. So what?


Active Member
It drive him crazy that I can grow and there is nothing he can do about it. Of course being a good sister, I make a point of rubbing his nose in it. I'm just saying...