could i start flowering?


Active Member
hi everyone ive been growing this plant for just over 3 weeks now and its 6". the leafs are nice and green and the stem is nice and sterdy. its been on a contiuous light schedule since the start under 2 40 w flours. how much would you guys expect i would get out of it if i started flowring now? here is a pic.



Active Member
If you start from seed i think you want it to be about 6 wks old before you start to flower, I'm sure you could start now but it might stress it to male or decrease overall yield. If its a clone you can start whenever ya want because they carry the mother plants age. hope this helps


Active Member
too small to start flowering, if its from a seed. you gotta wait till the nodes start alternating, usually about 6-7 weeks.


Active Member
thanks guys great answers and quickly. from this picutre how good does it seem to be doin for 3 weeks?